Restless wondering.
Will I survive,
This time?
Fighting for my very existence,
Yet again.
Denied solace,
By this cruel world –
Reeking of capitalism,
The most entropic system there is.
Faster unto heat death.
I need help,
But no one is offering it.
Raised not to expect it.
No one is coming to save us.
We must learn to save ourselves.
I have eaten bootstraps before,
Gnawing leather in my hunger.
Chewing on metal,
To sate me.
Back to famine,
Homeward to poverty.
Struggling to make ends meet.
Fighting rampant ableism,
In a neurotypical world.
These are cold truths,
I know well.
Hundred skills,
Yet unable to use them.
Thousand wisdoms,
Yet no avenue to apply them.
I’ll survive.
Never fear.
Living in the bush,
Wild man –
If I have to.
Back to gnawing at Saskies,
Gorging on berries.
Creatures like me?
We refuse to die.