The Paper Moon Gang.

It’s finally here! The second novel set in Central Universe, The Paper Moon Gang is a Science Fiction Thriller crossed with slum-land Gangsters.

I’m very excited for this book, as unlike my first novel, The Marionette Man, it’s bare-bones, without the meddling of publishers, agents, or middlemen! I truly feel like it’s my own writing.

You can purchase it now here:

Back Copy:

Greasy Knuckle is known as one of the slummiest and most corrupt planets in The Neutral Territories. Home to gangsters, mafiosos, pirates, and mercs, The Paper Moon Gang is only one of many smaller outfits in their neighbourhood of Silverton. When one of their pirate contacts, the murderous Yo-Yo, reaches out with the deal of a lifetime – a cache of valuable weapons stolen from the God Resistance Army itself, it’s just too good to pass up.

These small time gangsters have no clue what’s coming next.