Playing by rules;
Most others don’t understand.
Queer habits –
In myriad meaning.
Part of the punk within me –
Loves spooking the elderly,
With painted black nails.
But I’m sure most queer youth could figure out,
Why I loved wearing foam flip flops;
Professionalism be damned.
A disarming tactic:
Using an audio cue to both announce my presence,
At all times.
Making sure they knew exactly what I “knew.”
Fact such casual garments make sounds,
Like Spongebob –
Helps reduce conflict.
Entire generations primed for me already –
To ensure I can reduce the threat,
Of an enormous AMAB body –
Buddha-big Demisexual,
As I currently remain.
Under a dozen romances,
Yet storied in other ways,
Which parts are hunt for dopamine?
Infinitely Hungry Wolves,
Snapping at my heels.
Monsters I shackled within my core,
Fuck such lexicons.
Every single thing I do.
Has fifteen intentions.