One day,
I’ll be free.
Who knows.
I’m not the sort of guy,
To believe in prophecies.
This chain around my neck,
Is the only thing keeping me.
From coming at you,
With everything I have.
You can tell me how you’d like to be fucked.
Because that’s the joke.

Walking catastrophe,
Nightmares in Porcelain.
Like nuclear fission,
Don’t split my atoms –
Until you’re a safe distance, first.
Wind can’t carry the radiation,
Choose the test site carefully.
Chased twilight,
Many times before.
Aviators atop the mountainsides,

What’s left is dust,
Carbon in constellations,
Of bondings.
Were bonding so easy,
Would I know what does it.
Magic wands,
And black top hats.
White rabbits,
Chasing sunsets,
I’ll never catch.
Tell her I might be in love with her?
Cascading possibilities,
Come to me.

I have been a port from the storm,
For a very long time.
I know what it’s like,
To suffer.
To hurt.
To become monotone,
Chrome and Valhalla,
The dreams of fools.
Kindness in harsh places,
That’s part of the job.
Soldier mentality,
Get in.
Get it done,
Any cost.

This sonata has to end eventually,
May we live,
Push against pulling a Robin Williams.
A truer dark than some desire.
I desire everything.
To be hauled from my hovel,
By the strong,
Thrown under the sun,
Paying penance in kisses,
Rather than the cat o’ nine tails.
I’ll just go devour,
Some neutron stars.
Sing dirges out across the black,
Where sound cannot travel.
Shed my skin into new planets,
In sheer force of gravity.
Lock fangs in deep,
To hold the universe together.
To protect you from the universe.

The only truth,
I can never change.
How many heartbeats left?
How many more scars,
Can this battered old husk,
Seem to bear?
Made for a different purpose.
Too large,
Too big,
Too different.
Break my heart,
Go ahead.
Think I haven’t survived that before?

I wish I could lend you my eyes,
Like Shinigami.
Feed on your years,
But you could see what I see.
I wouldn’t feel so alone,
Space is cold,
And dark,
And silent.
But I’m no God of Death,
Just an old Jotnar.
Playing at human,
To see if I can even do it.
Silly wyrm.

I never know half the time,
If I want to sleep with someone,
Or if I’ve merely been alone for too long.
Just wanting to feel seen.
As if perhaps there actually might be,
Some core.
Beneath these thousand shards of self,
I have shattered into.
Perhaps I am too much the Villain,
Enjoying the corruption,
Of pure unbridled truth.
You hold this heavy-gauge,
For now.
Just wait until we switch spots,
Careful you don’t become a pet,
If one can tame a World Serpent,
Anything is possible.
Fuck you over here and now.
Smoke me up first,
At least.