When this climate apocalypse takes us,
I will save as many as I can.
Protege and pupil,
Friend and foe.
I learned to survive in the wilds,
Walking with many folks,
Of all walks of life.
Learned systems of oppression –
Sworn to dismantle them.
Create anarchist utopia.
Ecosocialist oaths.
The last of men with honor,
Hungering for information.
King of none,
I seek only challengers.
Best of the best.
Hallowed by thy training.
I will teach you,
To see if you can teach me.
I desire growth,
Want it.
Need it.
Slavering at your proximity,
Your aching self.
Tiny astronauts,
Drifting past my sclerae.
Pupil focusing,
I will save you from yourselves.
You stupid sons a bitches.
Teeth bared.
I will show you the will to survive,
Flay you to the bones.
Until there is nothing,
But raw –
Kaleidoscopic vision,
A thousand points of light.
Can simulate entire universes,
What could reality possibly offer us?
Prove to me,
That you love me.
Want to see your passions.
Tired eyes,
Tired smile.
Kiss me,
Kill me,
When the end comes,
Will you give me y-