Versus Humanist.
A battle that rages within me –
Every single moment,
Of every single day.
A deep disgust,
For the ignorance & stupidity of man.
Raging misanthropy.
The warlord?
Wants to scour Earth of this species,
Leaving only nature to take the reigns.
Wiping every trace of our hubris,
From existence.
They had a chance at utopia,
A thousand times over.
Squandering it every single chance.
Why shouldn’t they all perish?
Destroying our homeworld like this?
All rampant.
The Humanist,
Still has hope.
That they can be educated,
Beyond mere cavemen.
That utopia is still within our grasp.
That the wretched & ignorant,
Can still be uplifted.
Pretending they’re smart enough,
To choose between evolution,
Or extinction.
Who is the greater fool?
The warlord who believes,
He can wipe all eight billion,
From the planet?
Or the humanist,
Who still believes they can be saved,
From themselves?
Perhaps it is I,
Who is truly ignorant.
Thinking a mere poet,
Can make such choices.
Misanthropy be damned.