Take me,
I am helpless.
Sworn to pacifism,
But I will not surrender.
My heart is strong and free.
Whirling dervish,
Tornado of force.
Steel-clad will of iron.
Twenty-five tonne bodies,
Become extensions of yourself.
With all the power in the world,
What does it mean?
To gift yourself away,
As the suitor –
The slave –
The servant.
How must we value ourselves?
Who must we worship next?
I will worship all,
Or none.
Take me,
If I allow it.
I’ve been this bulging corpse,
Far longer than I’d like.
Felt comfortable in the cab,
Larger than life.
Now I gift my strength away,
To those I deem worthy.
To wield in proxy,
To hold them tight in darkness,
Warm and comforting.
Lift them high,
Bear their souls.
Drink spirits for sustenance,
Breathe ideas for wellness.
Hunger forever,
Those pretty lips of yours.
New master?