You can’t stop me.
No matter how hard.
No immovable force.
Such things never existed,
‘Ere I wouldn’t know –
How/Ho the story ends,
As if my blunt title blunted my blunt –
Ignore the blood trickling,
I’ve seen horrors you could only fathom,
After a lifetime of nightmares,
Induced by the traumas of abuse –
Endless waves & cycles,
Written in Bipolar phobias.
Alcoholic war vets,
Who beat their children –
Lived at the bar.
Using fucking ampersands –
Both for Speed,
Character Limits,
Memories of my dead Grandmother’s Handwriting.
Ampersands there in fucking excess.
As if Simpsons were parody,
Not reality.
Picked guys up late,
After the weekends,
From benders.
Get up,
Time to go to work!
Wouldn’t claim –
To have these scars,
You see.
Worst of,
Self inflicted,
The stretch marks,
Are from puberty.
Ignore those across most of the husk.
Hundred maws.
All screaming to be fed.
Yet necks & chains,
Are wrapped around forearms,
As some prefer.
Self No More.
You see?
This little freeze.
Anxiety Disorder running on empty.
It shuts down.
Vagus nerve flailing.
Hopefully unbeknownst to most,
The smile is distant.
I’m usually geolocked,
Somewhere up in Earth’s Orbits.
The Shell’s Ghost Flickers Momentarily.
Suddenly falling into the Event Horizon,
Of the largest black hole.
Unstoppable force,
Stilled to a halt.
Shifting tone.
Changing face.
As Lawful Evil often is,
Also still determined by rules I’ve decided.
Not you.
Never you.
I’m a devil you know,
But a devil nonetheless.
Honest to fault,
With contracts written,
Using our very blood.