Harangue me all you want.
My values don’t change,
Even when I’m like this.
End of my rope.
Struggling to survive.
Fighting some philosophical fight,
When I can barely take care of myself.
Depression is an old friend to me,
Draining energy,
But my only companion,
In dark childhood rooms.
I remain broken,
In myriad ways.
Unable to be repaired,
By anyone,
Even me.
The fool used to making things work,
Banging rocks together,
Headbutting problems head on.
Lived my entire life –
In a world that hates me.
Regardless of whether such hate,
Is steeped in prejudice,
Or religion.
Enough hatred wears you down.
No matter how hard,
Or how long I play pretend.
Water off a Duck’s back.
The cracking & popping of my body,
Bones, Sinew, Tendons, All.
For a long time,
In my imagination I was a Titan.
Capable of surviving my doomed existence.
I’m not so sure.