Broad strokes,
You have to paint it small for them,
Build upon the scaffolding.
I’ve been min-maxing people for years,
You must meet them where they’re at!
Paint a world,
Show them what you can offer them.
Many have spoken of fabled utopias,
I’ll fight for mine.
I can play the warlord,
As well as the weaker man.
Show them what that one needs to see.
To evolve,
Become something more!
Should my mentors see me now,
Having walked their shoes a time.
Stray dog on the street,
Playing at standing upon two legs!
The wretched beast,
Ravenous and needy.
My apologies.
My path is my own,
Would I have walked it earlier?
T’would not be same now.
Needed to suffer,
Feel the pain.
The dull roar churning at the base of the skull.
This is oblivion.
All is black.
Watching yourself,
Be wiped away.
This agony?
That anguish?
These scars.
This is why I will win.
This is why I will always win.
I will force feed you utopia,
Sweet as honey.
I know the myriad mistakes,
Of every civilization,
That has ever lived.
Chosen my symbol,
My flag.
We shall watch.
Observe closely as I gift them utopia,
Then make a big show about dying –
Just before they realize what I’ve given.
A final jester’s trick!
I will vanish in the winds,
Play fallow upon valleys of my youth.
Upon childhoods,
On stolen land.
Ensure you part me out.
As we did the behemoth machines of yore!
Swapping hoses,
The clear viscosity of hydraulic fluid.
The roar of diesel.
The human body can be gifted,
I expect you to min-max my corpse,
For the greater good.
This was all for the greater good.
That’s what’s so funny.
A supervillain,
Wanting to rule the world.
But having to gift it utopia,
To save the planet,
Almost like fighting fire,
With fire.
Or nukes,
With nukes.
I can buy that logic.
I know where that leads.
Mutually assured destruction.
Who cares?
I need more time.
Crescendoes of sickly sweet scent,
The tang of redemption.
I can save them,
I can save them all.
This utopia I offer,
This croaking offer?
It can be real.
I know it.
With the changing of minds.
The educating of the people.
Solidarity towards a better way.
Call ins,
Not call outs.
A big one for me.
What would have happened?
If I was not raised by young hearts,
The Outsiders.
Would I be a Trump Supporter?
Waving my flag,
Were I not gifted Eden’s blessed gift of knowledge?
Thank you,
First mother.
Thank you.
Do not weep,
You gifted me with the insights,
The sins.
The ones that come with poverty.
If not for bad things,
We wouldn’t have the ability to…
Remortgage houses to stay afloat.
Laugh with me!
Make me smile from ear to ear,
I’m yours.
Laugh until the sky turns pink and orange.
These worries are only temporary,
Once I can get to work,
I’m efficient.
I will solve a problem no matter what.
No matter how.
Told you,
I’ll force feed them their utopia if I have to.
No time for idiots,
Only got room for fools,
The ones like me.
Make them believe.