Drink of me at thy wish,Some tawdry allosexual romance -Dosed gluts every few years,As you cannot keep up all at once.Good news:There's one thing I can't beat -"Not In My Lifetime."Means my darling Entropy -Our final kiss.I shall not stop for Death.Nor Rendezvous.Legends?Bah.Dabblings.
My Work
You’re trapped right here with me.
Fuck ya do,When you learn at 28 -Nigh simultaneous -You're Non Binary,That you have 4 Other Disabilities,That were hidden from you.Forced to chug coffee,Just to grasp enough executive function,To survive.Choppers in the mist,Overhead.Never trapped right here with you.You're trapped right here with...
Cut it out.
Hah!What do the young know,Of Romance?In their ignorance;Failing to see hidden glories.Braving Whiteout Blizzard Highways,Pickup.Minivan.Latter better for yoohoo.Multiple Exes!anything for love !!Filthy Scene Kids,Subtracting ladders from pools.You sociopaths.See that shit.Cut it out.
Void?Goodnight.Keeping you always close,Night after night.Training subconscious selves,Of thousands -To see the comfort when we know.Car crash epiphanies,That could have been so much worse.In all ends,Void?Shall never wish upon fireflies.Know in all realities:'tis I who saves myself.
Hot pinks, Blacks, Whites & dark greys.
This to individual.That to band.Others to marching band,Or seven,As backing.Theremin Dronings -I've Witnessed At Art Colleges.Andy Warhol Splatters,I've colour-palette swapped:Hot pinks,Blacks,Whites & dark greys.When you can do anything,Given enough time & effort.Yet shackled by whim.
Only Crooked Moon & Ilk, As Witness.
Sitting in dense humid fog,Close to zero.Smoking one,Writing Poems To The Void.Nothing.My Everything.Maker I Never Wanna Meet -Yet tell The Void Goodnight,Only Crooked Moon & Ilk,As Witness.Not even them,So hidden my Easter Egg Allusions.Ten Walls Of Audiences,Multiversals In Bloom.
King Tide.
King Tide.Bubble of water round the world -Pulled by Skeletal Carcass Of Theia.Rope-a-dope orbitals,Lucky to have her Ghost as shield.Sea of Solitude bears scars.Lakes of Liquid Methane,Hydrocarbon Delights!Everything has to start somewhere.If not here,Why not there?Titan, Europa, Terra,...
Flock Will.
Carry My Ghosts,As Any Proper Witch Should.Tending Flocks,As They Watch Over Our Shoulder. With All Fae,Our Brutal Truths Damn Us.Some Lords Play At Entendres,I Prefer Holistic Honesty. Try To Keep Myself Honest,Knowing If I Don't,Flock Will.Cold Fingers Trailing Against Neck,Down Spine.
Some Poetry Is Pure Truth.Taken.Redelivered:Neurodivergent?Stats say dead 'fore thirty.Queer?Same same.34,Motherfuckers!BONUS TIME.All bonus time from here.Do I deserve it?Joking about being dead before then.Then turning to ash 24 hours of the day.As others hung themselves around me.
To Such Dead Men I Respond With Rugged Smarm:
As Wordsworth Said:"The World Is Too Much With Us."To Such Dead Men I Respond With Rugged Smarm:"You Have No. Fucking. Idea."Okay to feel small.To tackle impossibly enormous goals -In Ten Thousand Tiny Steps,Rather Than Great Leaps.Sing Me Entropy,Same Void I Bid Goodnight,For Evermore.
You Were Never Supposed To Win. \\ Journey Continues On, From There.
Adrift Upon A Cosmos,You Were Never Supposed To Win.Standing Tall 'Gainst Backdrop Of Finite,Yet Seemingly Infinite Nuclear Fusion Engines.Stable Candles,Held In Space.Journey Into Nihilism,Either Gets Ya,Or You Make It Through Existentialism -Other Side.Journey Continues On,From There.
Yet Still Have To Take Metaphors, To Use As Bludgeons Against The Former.
Bleed Mercy,Given None.Mercy.Thing To Be Earned.How Terrible Is That?Not Offered Freely,As I Stupidly Do.All 'Cause We Run Opposite,What Hurts Us Most."I Did. So Do You.""I Did. So You Never Have To."Prefer Latter.Yet Still Have To Take Metaphors,To Use As Bludgeons Against The Former.
Bush. Rock. Trees.
Two Degrees -My GPA Was Always Mostly Dogshit.For Every "A" In 400 Metaphor,Came…"Choices"Course Selection.Dog's Breakfast.Hungry For Ever More,Stranded In Isolations.Heavily Scarred,Yet Seeking New Fields,Disciplines,Interdisciplinary Shangri La.All I Used To Know:Bush.Rock.Trees.
Watching my world now, Provides many puzzles to solve.
Geopolitics,Always been interesting to me.Took likings to it as fifth year in first year Geography course.Same time as Egyptian, Middle Eastern Archaeology.Prof almost same age as me.Pretty cute.Learned lots,Which I appreciate even more.Watching my world now,Provides many puzzles to solve.
I’m The Second Most Prolific Poet In History. not some shill
I'll remember the week all the celebs showed up.Potholes & Land Mines To Avoid.Don't trust Hollywood.Post Media.Mainstream Wranglers -Death Grips On Modern Zeitgeists.People that come with fucking hordes.Hoards.Whored.Herd.Heard.I'm The Second Most Prolific Poet In History.not some shill
Across A Thousand Poems.
Nah Mate,Some people have my blood.By which I mean I've sworn them Blood Oaths.They now have the right -To call upon my aid.'til the day I die.Till The Earth,I've already told,Half dozen times,Across A Thousand Poems.What to do with all my pieces.Figure it fuck out.Don't disappoint me.
Change was just the way of ways, Most days.
Things Change.So What?Some of us have never known stability.Change was just the way of ways,Most days.Welcome to our worlds;Full of strife,Trauma,Or pain.Do you understand now?Why we celebrate even our smallest victories?Do you know the enormous adversity it took,For us to get this far?
Goodnight, Void. Void, Goodnight.
No good reason.Seldom any good answers.Populated Sandboxes,Shouldn't Be Hard To Build.But some things are easy,Just time consuming.Others are instantaneous,& nigh impossible.Goodnight,Void.Void,Goodnight.Symmetry In Mirrored Fashions,Like Racing Game Alterations,For Different Seasons.
Songs That End The World.
Softly Humming.Afraid To Sing Aloud. X Fearful Of Other Humans,The Kind Of Misanthrope,That Reels Away On Approach.Avoids Prying Eyes. O Other Misanthropes wage war,Upon their species.To save ecosystems.Save anything they can. X Humming Aloud.Softly Afraid.Songs That End The World.
Thick As Tar.
The Monk Is Weak.Growing Older.Strength slowly ebbing,& flowing away in rivulets.Tributaries;To swirling whirlpool eddies,Of My Black Ichor Venom.Thick As Tar.Drinking The Monk's Soul,Like Cold, Fresh, Glacier-Runoff Rivers.Couldn't stop The Wyrm.World Serpent.Apocalypse In Slow Motion.