Chains wreathed round each forearm.Digging logging road ditches at 11.Rusty Spike Coated In Heavy Metals,To My Guts At 17.Third An Eyebrow Gone,From Running Full Sprint -Into Metal Doorframe.Apples, Weed, Allen Ginsberg.Was a fool back then.Baba:Still an old Fool now.Hermit Guru Or Not.
My Work
A Chance To Grow Strong!
Rampancy.Madness Incarnate.Seething with restrained avarice;Holding back Infinite Hunger,With mild disdain.Sisyphus was granted in death,What I keep failing at in life.Shitty Monk.A Chance To Grow Strong!Opportunity.Sometimes the strain gets me,Though.Snaps & cracks of a ragged body.
In Tandem With Life.
"We Exist Together Now,2 Corpses,1 Grave."Fuck drolling meter.Played at Sonnet Races,Romance Entropy & Death,In Tandem With Life.Joy.Laughter.Not now fool I was.More foolish with age.White hairs too young,Prompting joy.No grey,Eh?We go straight to white.30.Bell Curves.Bonus Time!!
Fuck that.
Do they want free poetry or prose?Or do they just see another mark?Someone to buy or sell,As per endless shills.Capitalism tires me -Never trust interest in my work,As it frequently turns to marketing.Buy my art!Invest in this totally not-a-scam crypto!Subscribe!Comment!Like!Fuck that.
Old Comforts.
Former Drama Teacher.Ex Slam Poet.Long Ago Logger.Cryptid Witch.World Serpent. Titles,Are meaningless.Can wipe my ass with both degrees,'Ere turn wasted pennies & memories,To stone. Sometimes,When Weaving Words:Remember stage lights.Slam Poet,Or Actor. Out?Void.Dark. Old Comforts.
margarine as longboard bearing lube
made that mistake twice:once,margarine as longboard bearing lubetwice,differential fluid on my bike chainmotherfucker reeked fer weeksseek bleak streaks of unlucky trucksSpeed Wobbles Suck.Ask How I Know.Bailing Into Rolls -Mostly -Road Rash In Excess.Removed My Skin.Many,Many Times.
Goodnight; Void. #81006
Goodnight;Void.Entropy.Death.Life.Rot.Bones.Steel.Rust. Ebullism;Exhale.Wait.Atmosphere,Inhale.Muffled sound around you,In hazes of escaping gases.Reeking Of Kerosene.Gasoline.Diesel.Diff Fluid.Crude.Tar.Asphalt.Bitumen.Kind Polluting Our Shores.
“Fight For The 49th.”
This Motherfucker.He don't stop tweeting 'bout Canada -Gonna get right told."Fight For The 49th."Shall I Become War Poet,Again?More Trauma,On Old Trauma.Like My Broken Drunk Grandfather.Our Clan:only famous for writing poems,then dying in some warGunned Down By Louisiana Conscripts;18.
\\& other odd two degree separations. Curse?;
Goodnight,Void.Hark.Looming Midnight,Hundred memories -Damn Grandfather Clock.Dozens flood back,All at once.Learning to count,In () haunted chimings.Great Aunt & Uncle;Both Dead, taught once , lived there long after -\\& other odd two degree separations.Curse?;feeds me?
Capital R.
Can't Fight.Refuse.Swore Vow Of Pacifism,Over Decade Ago.Even if Sport;Is one exception -Double-Demisexuality;Mirrored Fractals,Forever:Twisting Shape Like Some Dreams.if you want to fight me -i've to love you firstTherefore you need Romance me.Capital R.These scars didn't come cheap.
Pissing Rain As You Read – These Very Frozen Thoughts.
Fuck, Bud!Dontcha kno?Second Most Prolific Poet,Hails From PNW.Ex-Hick Logger,Eh?Pissing Rain As You Read -These Very Frozen Thoughts.I lie in my bed.Now you're sondering too deeply.Back up a smidge.Are ya high, bud?Don't wear a rain jacket,Sometimes.Embrace feeling raindrops,On skin.Better than...
Teal With Ancient Silt.
These Woods Exude Fear.My Forests Release Power.Drunk like fresh glacier runoff,Teal with ancient silt. BOOK.THE BOOK!This tiny empty book;We'll fill together -My love.1 Poem At A Time.2 Sides,Front & Back.A Rule I Levy,You'll Never Even Know. Barefoot.Dirty,Calloused Bottoms. x
Granted I Was Very Old; When He Just Started Out.
Remain Beast Of Numbers.Not Triple Nines,Perhaps;Quantitative Data.Quick Enough,To Sign Deals With The Devil.Granted I Was Very Old;When He Just Started Out.Watched -Perched on my summits.Gnawing on infinite eyes,& white-feathered wings.Melting infinite rings,In my forge -For axeheads.
Imperative? Or Indicative?
Are some clever enough?To know Soliloquy from Poem,Or Curse to Manifesto.Ancient Rituals,Carved into my hearts,All 9 of them.Gathered Kindly;Sewn In Place.Enough Eyes.From Enough Things.why stop at arachnids,when all realities are ripe, FOR OUR PICKING. Imperative?Or Indicative? None.
no matter how i drape myself in metaphor via fixed hexes or curses in this long night
My achievements mean nothing.I'm meat & bones.Wretched Homo Sapiens Sapiens,Like Rest - #no matter how i drape myself in metaphor via fixed hexes or curses in this long night# Cryptid Glamours,That's All.Auras Regen -Minutes,Sphere As Big As The Oort Cloud. Goddess Of A Thousand Masks.
i dont care
Walking corpse like the rest of them.Fighting to be better,Than I was yesterday. Tired of being ignored.As if I'm not good enough,To even walk same dirt.Hillbillies looking down on degrees. Crabs In Fucking Buckets.SUCH INFERNO FURY,Could Crab Bake The Lot Of Them. No. i dont care...
Infinite Metaphor Railgun.
Cunning,Clever,i care notreducing myself backto base language only peers deserve my best Crabs in the bucket?They can all rot. Come from riversides,Covered in rotting salmon. Memorized that stench. Shakespearean Airs;Annoy Me. Give Me Milton,Coleridge,Endless infinite hungry maws. I caress the...
>Other species existed – Once. Rudimentary woodcraft; Half a million years ago.<
Only Wars I Wage -Are for underdogs.Noblesse Oblige.One of my founding principles.Guiding My Honour,For lacking foundations.Foundling from the bush.Cryptid Changeling:Caught.Chained.Trapped in a Human life. >Other species existed -Once.Rudimentary woodcraft;Half a million years ago.<
Goodnight, Void # 1529
Goodnight,Void.Time Ticking Down.Racing Against A Clock.What else is new?Death Clock.Alarm Clock.Doomsday Clock.I rail against many hourglasses.Thank Dylan Thomas -For that.Maybe Whitman was right.In excess…Containing Multitudes:Multiplying exponentially,Until bursting at our seams.
Seven of Clubfoot Inverteds.
This tiny little book.Shall Become Labour Of Love.Pouring self into it,As I am now,Not as I was.Skeletons in my closet,Are my dead selves.Thousands of corpses,Playing decompositions in tarot cards,Seven of Clubfoot Inverteds.Piles used to catch fire,Just from existing.Heat.PressureRot fueling...