Keep Up -Slowpoke.Traded away King's Rock.Still Kinda Shitty.Don't fucking know,Ask My Muses,Death & Life.Standing Conjunctionary Parallels,To Humanism Or Misanthropy.Parabolas Thereafter To Deeper Witchcrafts,So On.So Forth.Occultisms Derived Of Quantitative Truths -Carved Into Memory.
My Work
Are You Fucking Kidding Me?Yes.I am.Don't you think it's great?Greatest shitpost Humanity could produce.2nd Most Prolific Used To Be A Lumberjack.Like Some Fucking Jab At Institution,Reach,Pygmalion Complexes In Full Bloom."Physalis."RX-78GP02APainting Closer Tactical Targets.oxoxox o
Fingers Trailing Through Decades Like Water.
Self Destruction Can Be Fun In Temperance.Echoes In Time Or Space,As We So Desire.Fingers Trailing Through Decades Like Water.Seeds Left To Grow As Best One Could,With Resources Available.Exhaust Ourselves Further.Further,In Processes Of Doing So.Star Fusion Lifespans,Sharing Warmth.Heat.
Naught but hyperboles,
Abandoning One Kind Of Magic, For Another.On Whim,Boredom Or Fancies.Eyes Closed.Recalling pictures from histories.But everything read tells me it shouldn't exist.No quantitative data.Naught but hyperboles,Unreplicable by Science -Empirical Method Testing.Infuriating.Seemingly Impossible.
“If I longer stay, We shall begin our ancient bickerings.”
Sometimes that's the fun of it,You boob.Rube of naught but whispers.Ugly stupid loon.As if rhyming-couplets-fancy -When internal syntax-work's harder.Prescriptive Linguistics;Become Descriptivist-Anarchist in literacies.Fangs & Teeth,Sometimes both at once.Feeding Upon Threads Of Fate.
Maybe Dyke Parties.
There's no end,Just a whole lot of beginnings.(Don't tell them - exponentially dwarfed by endings of things.)Petulant talk of bangs or whispers,When simple hard work can sometimes suffice.Et CeteraAd NauseamOther Latin bullshit,For simple wisdoms.Look out, not in.In, not out.Get fucked.Who...
No Jaffe.
This.Penultimate Secret.A Most Beautiful Sadness;Simplest enjoyments of journeying.Life,Merely a ride.Death,Merely guarantee.Nice to have one,In rugged survivalism.When the whole world wants to kill you,Stamping us out like burning roaches.Nameless Clan Witch,Century or two:No Jaffe.
Ebullisms Guaranteed, Closer to Absolute Zero.
Sometimes I get tired,Holding everything back.the stars and galaxiesOrbital Views,From Forty Thousand Feet.Karman Line Entries,Ebullisms Guaranteed,Closer to Absolute Zero.Boiling Blood At Room Temperature -When your gifts,Are seeing the entire universe -You appreciate ground level more.
Ask Me How Everything Ends, I Might Tell You.
The Wyrm.Seeking Passage Of Least Resistance.Whole Universe At My Back.Ask Me How Everything Ends,I Might Tell You.Home Base In The Pinpoint Coordinates,Of Boote's Void.Astral Projection In Spades.Until The Maw Closes Up,As If There Was Nothing There To Begin With.Just Ripples In Reality.
(Waivers all signed.)
Broken Eidetic Memory.Hard To Use,When It Isn't Fucking Me.Some asshole "Content Creator,"Attacked me with Ableism.As If I can't recall perfect eyesight,Names & signatures on a page.(Waivers all signed.)Others attack me,For their own fucking problems.I remember it all,With perfect recall.
Goodnight, Void #DrumbeatStaccato.
Goodnight, Void.This ritual hundreds strong,In repetition.Power Radiating.In Uranium Spikings Of Geiger Counters.I See The World As Atoms.Still Do.Toxic Communities,Best Avoided.Nothing Is Worse Than Being Openly Gaslit,By Half-Cocked Moderators,Targeting With Venom,Harassment -& Abuse.
Fool;Three hours past her bedtime.Witches drawn to wee hours,Like flies to shit.Petrichor.Plants seething moisture.Rain.Know it too well.Felt it a thousand times.Green skies to thunder,Upon breakups.Two Storms,Four Storms.Slavering For Thunderbirds.Hungry For Abrahamic Prophets.Food,Not...
Had never happened.
"The World Is Too Much With Us."Wordsworth,You fool.The world is on fire:This rock is run by idiots,& bigots.Dictators,& ignorance."Idiocracy."Misanthropy roiling in my gut.Disgust plastered across my face.Fascists walking proudly in the sun,As if World War Two -Had never happened.
Get these toxic motherfuckers, Away from me!
No.Tired of people.Most unfit as flesh slurry,Upon boots.Mouthbreathing fuckheads -Who make worlds around them worse,For everyone,Everything.When one operates -Via any mentality of kindness,Common cruelty seems rife.Fire & ice.Blood & venom.Get these toxic motherfuckers,Away from me!
Inner Monologues.
"I'm being harassed, & bullied,By a person in a position of power.""Please help.""Oh.You see such a request,As an attack on you,Or a vague threat?""Gross.""Fuck these toxic people.Fuck these toxic cabals.Fuck this horrendous community.""Yeah.Fuck you.I'm walking away for good."
& growing,
If communities are toxic,Walk away.Your mental health isn't worth it.Too many angry,Petty,Crabs in a bucket.So many of us,Feeling misanthropic.So disgusted with the other 50%,Of our population.My blacklist,Just keeps growing,& growing,& growing.How about yours?
Others Don’t.
Thinking sleep,Will erase Anger.As if the core,Isn't in betrayal of trust.It doesn't matter if you act in good faith.Others Don't.Defensive toxicity -To protect their cabals.Regardless of such things as,Conflict of interest.Or abuse of power & position.So tired.Of harassment.& abuse.
Goodnight, Void #10,004
Goodnight,Void.No Love For The Wicked,Yet Rest Aplenty In Death -Unlike the old sayings.Idioms or Colloquialisms.Lost slang & dialect.Some good.Some bad.Doubt Lucid Dreaming,Will Ever Come.So I'll have to learn to live,With nightly nightmares.Dying all aplenty.Writhing in my many ends.
Metaphors Dying In The Dark.
Blood Upon The Altar.Droplets,Streaks,Drag Marks,Spatter,Crimson,Trailing Down The Steps Of A Church,At A Wedding.Deep As Roses,Drying Brown & Sickly.Gore Smattered Across The Pews.Brass!Brass.Brass.A Ringing In The Ears.An Allusion No One Will Ever Know.Metaphors Dying In The Dark.
Can You Feel This Hunger?
Old Lady Is Dead,For A Time.Only A Wyrm Remains.Teeth Gnashing Against Titanium Bars,In Hunger For Our Tail,Yet Unblemished.Endless Circles.The Very Notion Of Infinity.Alchemy Run Rampant.Can You Feel This Hunger?Seething Through This Cage.Endless Entropy.Eternal Want.Everlasting Need.