Dreaming people who hurt me.No matter how much control -Or lucidity -I master.Nightmares in staccato,Changing out of nowhere.Twisted churning of my mind.I never hurt them.No matter how hot my anger.Even when my rage is truly raging.Shackling myself even then,From gifting them oblivion.
My Work
Kind Of My Thing.
Fight?I'll always fight.Told you many times:I'll always go down swinging.Be it street scrap,Or climate apocalypse.Fighting Entropy is kind of my thing,When I realized the impossibility of immortality.We don't get a chance to learn & grow;Forever.So best we can do,Is ensure it for them.
“The day is yours.”
Aye,Dead Man.Sun Ablaze In Glory.No Summer Day Finer.Asexuals Like Me Laughing At Comparing Women,To Weather.Masses convinced it was romance -I see the misogyny of another metaphor.Was that the intent?Of the infinite metaphors -You choose sunshine?Changing contexts?Stay dead;Bard.
Dew Point Destinies.
Dew Point Destinies.Planet so hot with greenhouse gas,Venus is havin' a look.After that point,When Humidity hits a hundred?You're fucked.Death Spell for Endotherms.Modified Mammary Glands?Exuding sweat,Doesn't work anymore.Air -So heavy with water,Means water can't evaporate.Ugly Death.
Mass Dictates Gravity.
Never speak to me;As if in ignorance.Blind to decades of fortitude.Every step I take?Puts Atlas to shame.Makes Sisyphus look feeble.Not just the weights,Of boulders or planets.Multiple Black Holes.Pressure.infinite amounts of a thing,Within a finite space.Mass Dictates Gravity.Tragedy:
Just To Be.
Hawk -Like Icarus.Flying too high.Too close to the sun.Feathers aflame.Hollow bones be damned!You have talons!Sharper beak than most.Own worst enemy.Pride.Ego.An endless need to prove yourself.Your worth,To others.You never had to -In the first place.Didn't need to brag.Just to be.
Kamikaze mentality.Deadly in intention.Fighting nothing but losing wars.Know the lure of oblivion -It's strong.Martyr complexes ablaze.Losing touch.Losing time.Losing everything.Dragging you beneath the current.Some rivers are too dangerous to swim.You should already know that.
A Final Word.
Wherever you go,Wherever you are,Find solace in self,Seek peace as you are,Peel back the layers,Of emotion and depth,Keep even kilter,Keep slow steady breaths,Pull back the seams,Seek self, inside,Hunger for knowledge,No thoughts left to hide,You are wholly imperfect,Broken as hell,So seek...
A poem with no proper meter could be beautiful. So why don’t we try? (This is the title.)
A Chortling Titan,Devoid of much else but yearning,A whispered smile. A Fist-Knuckle Break,The roar of the arena,Wine-red teeth. A Coherent Thought. A quiet moment in wonderland, Silent falling snow. A Rumbling Pleasure,A rattling content,Seven ways to Sunday. A break in the chorus and in all...
Today is but a single day.There will be others.Beautiful glorious days consumed by passion, joy, and light.Days will then surge into years.But today?I am stuffed with delicious omelette.So nothing much will happen.
What has no conditions but one condition? What brings hope in the darkest hour, when nothing seems to go right, and nothing is worth doing, and nothing is worth living for? What makes everything better when you’re missing your limbs, there’s a cataract in your eye, and you don’t know how to speak,...
Go, Go, Go.
Go, go, go.Stay, stay, stay.Freedom is but fleeting,I want to go away,Waiting for a signal,Waiting for a sign,To find some sense of freedom,To get back what is mine.
A dozen roses, with daggers posed as stems,A half-hundred thousand eyeballs, sleeping REM,A silver-tongued promise, a tale as old as time,Tear your soul a new one, a reflection in a dime, Hunger like a graveyard, silence like a sin,Ghosting ever-after, don’t do things on whim,Coupled once with...
Cackle For A Madman.
Cackle for a madman,Perchance a rainbow at the wake,Who bet all in on a pair of Kings,And both kings died. Dredge up the links of iron,Chains are the only cure,For the tyrant cometh after.Rising from the ashes. When madness brinks the shackles,Drink up all the quicksilver,For gold is the cure,And...
I am whirlpools of emotion,Weathering the riptides on stoic shores,The lines of my face creasing ever so slightly,With the rocking of the waves.I am hailstones on rocky shores,For no small tragedy,Can ever force the rain,Torrents of teardrops held in check,By force of will - the eye of the storm...
Monarch, Sea & Sky.
It shifts uproariously, cacophony bringing down the stars to fragment from light and smoke, to being and color. Some more than others decide that these starfish are things to be coveted, drawn from the waters in silent approval of shape and hue. Moods change constantly, and slowly they dry, the...
The Stolen Scythe.
Because I would not stop for death,He kindly stopped for me.I stole his scythe,Cut him down,And made him bend the knee.His bones did ache and tremble,As the scythe slowly rusted red,But I refused to die,That scythe held high,Forced him to follow a revenant, instead.
A Poem To Remember Me By.
It was the day it all turned me away with the silence,That I said:“Hey,Something isn’t right today,Did you tell me you were going away?”It all slipped, like the soap on the shower floor. I can’t take the thought,Of being forgot,By people I once held dear,A fear held by the masses,But it’s still...
Therein sits the rice.Soaking in soy, wasabi.My mouth soon burns hot
Alliteration, Baby.
New Baby in a rubber baby buggy bumper, mother making mopey messes of interpersonal irrational interrelations of family friendships and other fine frauds. Nearby, nurses nurture the non-conforming patients in principle practices, understanding unilaterally that undertakers make big profits - off...