

Dreamlessness is refreshing.Waking up without memory,Of whatever my nightmares,Would have been.Not completely sure -But hope -For this dreamless sleep more often.My trauma haunts my subconscious,No matter how much control I have;In my waking life.Dream Warrior?Hah!Rather have real rest.

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go woke go broke

go woke go broke

Can't go woke go broke if I'm already broke and stopped using woke authentically fifteen years ago in lieu of just saying I'm not a bigot.

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Living Plus Dying Kaio Ken.

Living Plus Dying Kaio Ken.

Happy Birthday To Me.Simple pleasures,Time with friends.Her Shadow.Their Strength.Neurodivergent people,Die before thirty at higher rates.Queer neurodivergents like me?Likely less.Every day past thirty,To me,Is just Bonus Time.Joke about "1700+ ADHD years -"Living Plus Dying;Kaio Ken.

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Steel Chains Wrapped About The Forearm.

Steel Chains Wrapped About The Forearm.

My boundaries?Trampled again.Like stampedes of hooves,Smashing my cattle fences,Dashing all -Into a thousand muddy pieces.Best fucking liar I've ever known,Brother.But I'm smarter than you.Your demons haunt you still,Whilst mine are chained,Leashed in steel links,Braided to my forearm.

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The Beast In The Reflection.

The Beast In The Reflection.

This elegant goodbye,A piece of soft mourning.We're trapped,Worlds apart.I'm the beast in the reflection.A monster you cannot let out.No matter the cost.'Ere my foul magicks seep,Back into the world.Blood curse boiling,Dark weavings churning.We must exist,At odds.

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Diction As A Warmup.

Diction As A Warmup.

Perhaps,A lapse - in fact or fiction -Diction as a warmup,Dereliction of real duties.Beauty in that old hat,Told you I hate rhymes.Enshrined in mind -Youth.Proof of soothsaying.Hard years,Tears in mere leers.Part of why I have no fears.Lasting dispositions.

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Vestigial Organs.

Vestigial Organs.

We exist.Two corpses in one.A dozen selves,Crammed into a single living space.Feelings can hardly matter -When we aren't even sure who we are.How many of us,Are already dead?Vestigial organs,Ancient identities.Are we antiques?Relics?Or reminders?

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We Exist In Our Art.

We Exist In Our Art.

Crucify me.Take my organs for parts.Donate every past scrap -To life,Medicine,Science.Make dice of my bones,To hold my dark magic.Carve runes of warding across my skull.To lock in evil.Take my everything.Death is just another phase of existence,We exist in our art.

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Never Tell A Lie.

Never Tell A Lie.

I promise many things.The trick?It's to promise what is already certain.Never tell a lie."Don't make a girl a promise,If you know you can't keep it."Longsight,Pattern recognition.Using data to soothsay,Making bets like prophecies.Certainties high enough,You'd stake your life on them.Given how...

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Mnemonic Trigger Phrase Mantra.

Mnemonic Trigger Phrase Mantra.

STOP.Please.I understand the nightmares every night -Are a result of trauma.But my mnemonic trigger phrase mantra,Doesn't seem to work.So I suffer almost every single night.Last night,Fun celebration or party;Turning into cruelty.Robbed,Left to try and find my things.Even my clothes.

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Slam Poet Dog Days.

Slam Poet Dog Days.

Kinda cackling -As I post poems from my poetry book,To my website. ARCHIVE Before the ten year gap,My style was completely different -Reeking of my Slam Poet Dog Days. YOUTH Perhaps it's good to be amused,At how different two people,Two selves, CAN BE Can Be. CAN BE

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Lax Tempos.

Lax Tempos.

Never Forget.Finish your fights.Lax tempos,Ruin chances of reform.Goal is bloodless revolution -To free the masses from wage slavery.Is it any wonder why Oligarchies,Gerontocracies,Or the like,Fight us so hard in return?Control.Social Contract?Well & truly shattered like broken glass.

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Junk Yard Dog Blues.

Junk Yard Dog Blues.

Just hurt for him.A Saint.Bending over backwards -Trying to give people opportunities,Preaching for the benefit of the doubt.Many times;They rake him,Hurt him.Stabbing their would-be saviour,In the heart,Or back.Even closest kin.Junk Yard Dog Blues.Needing to protect him,At all costs.

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For The Hungry Flames They Are.

For The Hungry Flames They Are.

Drugs.Alcohol.I've seen most addictions,For the hungry flames they are.Hyperaware of how much I myself vape,Yet refusing to allow the fire,To spread out of control.Vice is sometimes an unquenchable need,& other times a choice,Or series of choices.Despise the constant lying,Most of all.

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Orbital Views For Decades.

Orbital Views For Decades.

Fear?No.Rarely.Trauma plus anxiety disorder -Put stop to that.Orbital views,For decades.Gun to my forehead?I'd gesture to pull the trigger.My fight or flight response is broken;To the point I try to numb it out.Self preservation?What's that?Perhaps that's why we wanna martyr ourselves.

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Nightmares In Staccato.

Nightmares In Staccato.

Dreaming people who hurt me.No matter how much control -Or lucidity -I master.Nightmares in staccato,Changing out of nowhere.Twisted churning of my mind.I never hurt them.No matter how hot my anger.Even when my rage is truly raging.Shackling myself even then,From gifting them oblivion.

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Kind Of My Thing.

Kind Of My Thing.

Fight?I'll always fight.Told you many times:I'll always go down swinging.Be it street scrap,Or climate apocalypse.Fighting Entropy is kind of my thing,When I realized the impossibility of immortality.We don't get a chance to learn & grow;Forever.So best we can do,Is ensure it for them.

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“The day is yours.”

“The day is yours.”

Aye,Dead Man.Sun Ablaze In Glory.No Summer Day Finer.Asexuals Like Me Laughing At Comparing Women,To Weather.Masses convinced it was romance -I see the misogyny of another metaphor.Was that the intent?Of the infinite metaphors -You choose sunshine?Changing contexts?Stay dead;Bard.

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Dew Point Destinies.

Dew Point Destinies.

Dew Point Destinies.Planet so hot with greenhouse gas,Venus is havin' a look.After that point,When Humidity hits a hundred?You're fucked.Death Spell for Endotherms.Modified Mammary Glands?Exuding sweat,Doesn't work anymore.Air -So heavy with water,Means water can't evaporate.Ugly Death.

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The Pickup Truck Diaries: “The Second Most Prolific Poet In History” & Goal Setting.

Let’s start this edition of The Pickup Truck Diaries with a rhetorical question: “How does one go about achieving the goals they’ve set for themselves?” I’ll give you a few minutes to pause and think about that. Most folks have already started churning their brains into realistic “brass tacks”...

Central Universe Science Fiction Shorts: An Update!

Campfire. Come gather 'round the campfire. Let me tell you a story. Several small ones, in fact! It started a month or two ago, when I had a bunch of hits on "Our Better Angels" via the 'ol analytics. Now, I've been running this little business for half a decade - so out of neurotic perfectionism,...

McRae’s MTG Corner: The Rainbow Bible. (AKA The Rukarumel “Gay Pirates!” Tribal Tribal CEDH Primer.)

WARNING: This piece clocks in at 62,000+ words. It currently holds the record for longest "CEDH Primer" ever written. (Although it's more like a textbook or resource guide to Tribal Archetypes, and Rainbow/5c Magic, really.) It is over half the size of my sci fi books. Please remember to drink...

McRae’s MTG Corner: Tempo For Dummies (Especially For Commander.)

Aight, we back yet again. Somehow in my long years of being an L1 Judge and Modern and EDH player, I had never realized that learning tempo in Magic The Gathering is a rather visceral experience, in that you learn experientially. For the layman, that means that you have to learn that deep sense of...

McRae’s MTG Corner: Siloing CEDH & EDH

Ew, I got CEDH in my EDH… Today we’re here to talk about power levels in the casual commander format, as well as how to encourage better CEDH & EDH play by more carefully separating the two formats despite their strange interwoven nature. As a “retired” L1 Judge for Magic: The Gathering, I’m...

The Lost. (Metaphors Across Multiple Decades.)

There are many people,Lost in the woods,You see.We must go find each of them,In their own way.Holding their hand,As we walk back towards progress.Indoctrination can be hard to shake.Old ways,Must be sifted through,As one pans for gold.Keeping the good parts.The Lost.Can still be found.

Hate Crimes.

Tired of getting fucking hate crimed.If it's not the Superintendent -Of my previous school district,Saying to a room full of people,That my disabilities make me unfit to teach…It's assholes that slow down in their cars,To honk at me and laugh -For having painted black nails.Just fuck off.

Prefer Untitled Existences.

Tend to dislike microlabels,Despite ironically claiming one.Demisexualism be damned!Folks seek meaning,As if a label means salvation,From ambiguity.Making meaning,From a lexicon?Why not make meaning,From your lived experiences?Don't want to be put in a box.Prefer untitled existences.

“The Daily Grind.”

"The Daily Grind."Should life ever be a grind?Wage-slave destinies,In Capitalist systems that pray to altars of profit?Whatever happened to just existing,Once we had places to live,Or enough food to eat?Now we remain caged.Numbers on screens -Dictating our worth.Imprisoning us 'til Death.

Reciting The Basics By Rote.

Seldom,Does the spell work twice.Requiring subtle shifts in intonation,Syllables kept soft.Singing spells in fevered hunger -Drinking from the soul.Let the spirit collapse -Entwined with languished intentions.Then stop.Still.Start from the beginning.Recite anew.

Hardly Beyond Apes.

Perhaps Not.Maybe my faith was always misguided,Relying on people stupider than I,To seek knowledge & wisdom.But paths of least resistance -Hardly work that way.Wanted to see my species shine;Breaking free of evolutionary shackles,Such as Tribalism.Yet they're hardly beyond apes.Sad.

let the little ones rest

Ah,Sometimes -One remembers the children,We have seen buried.Once in our care.More ghosts strung out,Along tethers.Holding a hundred strings.I know there is no heaven,In the Thermosphere.Only death.These hallowed hauntings,yet againlet the little ones resteh?

Pieces Of Me I Cannot Touch.

Five By Five,Coming down the pipe.Missile-lock oblivion,The dirges of war -Sung in the roar of rockets.The chatter of gunfire,Each breach & barrel.Most nights,I'm denied any sort of weapon.Subconscious refusing to help.So really,This war is against myself.Pieces of me I cannot touch.

I’ll Go Down In Flames.

My kingdom,For a game -A pod,The challenge.Brain in rapture,Thriving in complacent hungering.Give me armies to command -Economies to break,Systems to smash.The thrill of multiple opponents,Coming from all sides.Supervillainy on display,I'll go down in flames.

Stop Eating Your Own.

The serpent devours his own tale. Pun intended. The metaphor itself proves a point. Come on, keep up. This one isn't as hard as some others I've thrown your way, society.

Refuse To Give Up My Pride.

Learned to deal with thieves,From my father.Standing in the dark for hours,Waiting for them to come back.Baseball bat in hand.Later,Tracked down the quads.Threatened for the keys.One does not fight,Unless for honor.Survival.Making right.Get up,Kid.Get up.Friends with bikers,Stolen items'd show...

At The End Of The Day…

At the end of the day I'm just some stupid fuck writing poetry in his truck with the windows down and my aviators on. Should you listen to me? You tell me.

A Lock. A Key.

This cipher,A thousand layer seal.Woven in blood of innocents,Pulled from my ragged histories.Few know me,Truly.Facades,So carefully crafted.These hundreds of masks I wear,Carefully deflecting away -From the core.Perhaps one day,A great hero will come.A lock.A key.

Broken Toes.

Broken toes,Never healed right.Or were we born that way?Missing half an eartip from birth,Cartilage spikes to boot.The half an eyebrow was lost much later.Infection along the nostril,Scarred purplish red.Stretch marks in white & purple,Numb.Tattered bloody with steel razors,Across a body.

we were told we were broken

we were told we were brokenfucked upunwantedstrewn across threads of fateour destined enddeathso we foughtrallying against a world who hated usfeared usmonstersor villainsmerely queerneurodivergentdifferentnot brokenuniquenot monstrous& yet they still can't meet uswhere we are