More insane dreams.But at least I managed not to die,Last night.Even if semi truck road trip work,With my old man,Quickly devolved into dimension shifting,Surrealist madness,A la gang wars.Might not be able to use -My lucidity trigger mantra.But at least my obstinance,Toughness,Remains.
My Work
Our Wrath, Legendary.
Our Wrath,Legendary.Trying desperately not to succumb to evil -Perpetuate the cycles of abuse,Like our kin.Breaking free from darkness,That lingers in our hearts.We know exactly how to hurt you.How to rip your heart in two,Reduce you to tears,With just words.How wretched.Such dark fury.
Bonfire. \\ Grace.
try nightseek jumpingkeep moving aheadtry jumpingdon't give up!try fingers but holefriend aheadhidden path hereliarlightning aheadrotpraise the sun!still no elden ringoffer holestrong enemy aheadseek neccessary itemkey required aheadcould this be hole?try bugbrief respite left
Avenge Me.
Maybe you're right,Elder.When long term plans are real -You warned me to hide.Assured me evil oligarchs,Who rule this world,Will kill me.Make me disappear,For trying to help my species -In defiance of their controls.I swear:I'll never kill myself.So if they do?Seek vengeance.Avenge me.
Calling Us Egotistical.
We're fucking tired.Fatigued with a world,Basking,Revelling in arrogance & stupidity.We always know what to do.Problem solvers to our last.Frustration builds with their doubt.Calling us egotistical.NO YOU FUCKING IDIOTS;We're confident in what we know.Seeing futures,In patterns of data.
Knowledge Pool.
He warned them:Told them what'd happen -With power of pattern recognition,Knowledge pool,Foresight.They ignored him.Petty little minds,Ignorant,Arrogant.They always are.Stupid middling masses.So now you watch,As the government sets fires.As their homes you tried to save,Burn to the ground.
The Ignorant, Arrogant, Selfish Masses.
You told me:Why help those,Who refuse to listen to us?Told me Humanity doesn't deserve our gifts.Heavy black steel shackles,Our myriad double-edged axes.You seek hermitage,In the wilds.Understand such sentiments.But there're sparse few;Self aware.Intelligent.They still deserve our hope.
Keep Your Light.
Old Man.Logger Guru.Can see your light faltering.Crushed by the weight of the world:Finance plus abuse.They want to use you.Like they all wanted to use & abuse me.Disgusted by our existence,Yet demanding our talents,Genius,For themselves.Refuse to let them.No more.Keep your light.
Outsider Looking In.
I'll never commit crimes of passion.Asexual spectrums -Crossing neurodivergence,In myriad ways.Not lacking in passion,Per Say.But fueled by other things,Than romance.Watching lovebirds from the sidelines,Gawking at their lack of control.Atypical.Outsider looking in.They can't help it.
Fire & Flame.
Fire & Flame,Are just physics instances,To be tamed.Plasma or explosion;Driving pistons in our engines,Both gasoline,Kerosene,Or diesel.Science gave us dominion,Over the natural.Yet only the clever amongst us,Use it sustainably,Methodically,Intelligently.Funnily,Loggers most of all.
“You taught me language, and my profit on’t Is, I know how to curse.”
'Twas gaslit by the foulest,Most malignant covert narcissists.To a point where my lexicon was so sharp -I was accused of being the cruelest,When intending emotional harm.Cursing is but frivolity -To lumberjacks.My words cut to bone.My glares shoot daggers.My heart pumps diesel.Fie!Run!
Surpass Shakespeare.
Creeping towards an upgrade,Upon a podium nobody gives a shit about.Not that I care what others ever think.Trying my best to work in isolation;As ever. - I'll accomplish my goal.Surpass Shakespeare.To crickets,As usual. - Bradburne next on my hit list,Of dead poets.No "society" needed.
Goodnight, Void #29
Goodnight, Void.Hollow Moon,Empty Abyss.Entropy Singing Me Home,Even Still.I Am Love, Hate Interbred.A Broken Song Myself,Echoing Pain Across Decades,Yesteryears.The Tenfold Divinities:My answer to Commandments.Proof I try not to dictate,Or demand.Only offer my words,& feelings.Truth.
Mangled Mentality.
Miss times that were better in some ways,Far worse in others.PTSD?A lack of responsibility,No world upon my shoulders.Sphere between shoulder blades -Free.Yet not.Subject to a cruel,Foul abuser.Gaslit into Darkness At Noon admissions.Until we recite words placed in our heads,Via torture.
“How green you are and fresh in this old world!”
Aye,Dead Man.Old World,Older Truths.The Brutal Calculus:Reality Quantified -From Food Chains or Ecologies,To Astrophysics.Laws of absolutes -Humanity meddles with.Green.White.Blue.Brown.Colors of our homeworld,Speckled with dots of light at night.Fresh?No.Rotten.Decaying Orbits.
Weird & All. \\ Fuck This Method Acting.
Been Playing Pretend,A Long Time.Us neurodivergents call it "masking."Learning to act,Before knowing what acting is.Chameleon unto the Neurotypical.Wearing faces, expressions, idioms,So they usually can't tell that we're different.Fuck this Method Acting.Want to be me.Weird & All.
As If They Never Existed At All.
Sometimes I wonder,If anyone will ever read these words -Left behind by a neurodivergent artist,Such as I.Relegated to mold & rot,These million words will leech power,For every year they remain in darkness.Untouched.Unread.As if they never existed at all.
Oblivion Games.
Missing the mark by a minuteAs if my one wish I've been wishingFor decadesWill ever come true. . Learned to have zero expectationsNot just low onesCan never be disappointed that way . This world is cruelFull of selfish pricksPrayers unansweredReligions are fake . Oblivion Games....
I’ll Persist.
Defy me.Abhor me.Despise me.Remember;I've always had worse.From abuse,To bullying,Intimidation & harassment,Even hate crimes.These days I almost feed on their hatred.Fuel for my fusion engine.Succeeding out of spite.Continuing out of defiance.You can never shut me down.I'll Persist.
Counting From Zero.
200 Poems to beating Shakespeare.Eclipsing his entire portfolio of work,In a mere five years,With naught but poetry.Counting from Zero,Fresh.So what if nobody cares?2nd Most Prolific Poet In History?Relishing my dead art form -As a dead art form,Myself.Relic of old ways.Antique as I am.