Ticking Down?Tocking Up?Left-Right Decisions,Every minute of our day:>>>>>Laugh.Cackle.Chortle.Guffaw.Chuckle.Giggle.Wheeze.Rancor.Scowls.Titter.Smirks.Grins.Smiles.Smarm.<<<<<Enough doddering about,Faffing,Colloquialisms be damned.Thank fuck Limmericks,Are mostly dead.^^^^^
My Work
Can’t Hold Me Low.
Laughing My Way Through Apocalypse,Ragnaroks We Saw Coming For Decades. 0 Cackle Like A Fool,Raised On Monty Python Too. 1 Morbid Amusements,Keeping Us Lucid In Attempts. 0 Can't Hold Me Low,You're Chained By Gravity Of Terra,Same Earth Upon My Shoulder Blades.Far too...
Exponential Feedback Loops, A La Nuclear Fusion.
Remember?Secular Atheism.Anarchist Ecosocialist.You know exactly where I stand.The Devil;One you've always known.Serpent in the garden of eden -Ouroboros to the Alchemists -Leviathan Jotnar,To others still.Anaconda Virtue.Cult Of The Wyrm.All just Metaphors,To me.Fire with fire.Running tongues...
The Tenfold Divinities: THIRD DICTATA.
The Tenfold Divinities;There's sure to be inconsistency:Hallowed Entropy,Yet Solar Futures On The Brain.Clever Girl,Give us a twirl,Then.THIRD DICTATA;Cherish intelligence.Value divergence.Deign.Respect Plus Joy!Demand Our Savant Romances,We Always Dreamed Of.Platonic.Romantic.All.
Laughing In Witchcraft.
Horror As Genre?Not A Fan.Plots Thin As Paper Mache.Though,Enjoyed devouring terrors,Centuries ago.Puck!Ribs pulled open,Ate his bleeding heart.In process of eating,Said bleeding heart.Carnal power of tooth -Feasting via old black magic loops -Turning emotion to infinite energy.Laughing in...
Tattoo Drumbeat.
Tattoo Drumbeat.Needle in skin,Excess fluids,Ink,Wiped away with paper towel.Invoke "Tar Pits" in entirety:Right here.Now.Forcing allusion -Dimensions beyond scope,Or scale.Summon Black Ichor Venom,Dripping viscous noir.Metaphors as punches -Touching The Impossible,Against The Real.
Act Like It.
Feeling Power,In Moments Of Weakness.A True Witch,Learns the strengths in suffering.Long way round.When you're hurting -Be it anguish or agony,However you sacrifice enough,It feeds us back in exponentials,Every single possible vector -Mapped on solar scales.You're strong.Act like it.
Fleeting Train Of Thought.
Brainfarting a half a dozen times,Yesterday.ADHD tendency to be five steps ahead -Pattern recognizing across several things,Until you lose a piece.Common to people like us:A fleeting train of thought,That just vanishes into our…Quite poor short term memory.Short?Goldfish.Long?Forever.
Any Less.
Love like a thunderclap,Everything all at once.Even a lust,Long buried.Would you know it as a dream?I offer you:My everything.To take & keep,Or smash across the floor.Coexisting as per Schrodinger.Two things can simultaneously be true.Would you want me any less?
Knowledge & Wisdom Are Different.
Knowledge & Wisdom Are Different.Wisdom is lived experience,Well-lived stories.Tips & tricks of Elders,Regardless of Culture,Or Locale.Thousands of tiny secrets,On how to min-max living.Knowledge?Webs.Connecting ideas,Histories,Potentials,Via channeling torrents,Of Infinite Creation.
Entropy Worship, Via Wyrm Cults.
Goodnight My Love;Darling Witching Hour Darknesses!Voids In Beautiful Swaths!You held me before my beginning.You will hold me after my end.Entropy Worship,Via Wyrm Cults,More…Rituals of irony,& hypocrisy.Loving The Void.Praying To Entropy.But Fighting Still;Heat Death,Winding Down.
Many Paths Unto “Enlightenment.”
Sometime Post Ego Death -Two or three at least.We grow jaded,Whilst more self aware than ever before.Knowing Nirvana,Shangri La,Oneness With Universe,Across a dozen methodologies.Yet Trying To Balance Worlds,Upon Thy Shoulders.Enlightenment comes to me best,In Madness.Others,Meditation.
Life Pro Tip:Drink from mugs,Porcelain steins or cups,Containers you can freezer,Half filled -Water or other Liquids,Becoming…Ice cube half on the bottom,For when you pour fresh chilled juice,Or pop atop.Popsicle ice cubing,With more frozen fruit,Or berries,For additional delights.
Sentimental Totems.
Antler on the lawn,Gathered as totem.Kept in my care for decades -Long after the buck himself is dead.Allosaurus fossil fragments,Conch shells from Oahu.Unsharpened ornamental seppuku blade,From a night market.Old wooden feather pins,Via speaking at a potlatch,Wind chimes,Dreamcatchers,~
Our War Is Our Own.
Doing anything to stem the tide.Fighting for mere survival.When did we all become rats,In this maze? … Survivor's guilt in spades.Writhing in our own skin.So many dead men we've mourned. … Standing alone is fairly normal.Few can ever truly help us anyways.Our war is our own. …
String Theory Against The Threads Of Fate.
Like ribbons,Kaleidoscopes of energy.String Theory Against The Threads Of Fate.Appreciating colour -For it is fleeting at best,In a predominantly cold dark Universe.Stars in full spectrum of flames -White luminosity,Playing different colors,Through atmospheres.Yellow,Orange,Pink,Blue.Grey.
Wisdom Is Accumulated. Foolishness Is Inate.
Enough.Stop.Cease.Emerge into sunlight -To make your wakings real.Weaving curses of protection,A little before brunch.Witch in overcompensations,When the rest are mostly cattle.Slack jawed gapings,Unable to grasp -Even an iota of your knowing.Wisdom is accumulated.Foolishness is innate.
Fuck Awards. Fuck Titles.
Fuck awards.Fuck titles.Just more fucking things,To throw on the pile.Refuse critiques of anybody else,Whilst I've been working years in isolation.Who the fuck are you,To play critic to my work?Claim mastery,Superiority,Over me?Keep your titles.Fuck your awards.Refuse to play that game.
Taking Time To Enjoy The Journey.
Waltzing towards finish line,To take the podium as second.Taking time to enjoy the journey,Not the end point.Remember:Quit writing for a decade,Because I listened to the negative talk,Of fools.In reality,Such impossible goals?They were rather achievable,After all.So I'm enjoying myself,See?
Nailing Severed Hands To Walls.
Slavemaster Brouhaha;Taking hands in penance,Nailing them to the wall -Until slimy & grey.Showing…What happens to those who see others,As tools,Or weapons,Not Humans.Genetics be damned.Melanin as a marker?Singularity doesn't care.Transhumanist Dreamings,As we hack our slavers to bits.