Don't want fame,Even fortune,Really.As with most things I entertain,Such silly things -Are Tools,Or Weapons.Means to ends.Rather than ends themselves.I've preferred my invisible existence,Despite already achieving such great titles,Or Human Records.Low profile.Freedom of the incognito.
My Work
Like Fucking Invalids.
Talked down to constantly,Zero Clue.Neurotypicals -As usual.Treating neurodivergent people,Like fucking invalids.Frequent daily ableism.Accused of ego!What maroons;Oblivious to ego deaths,Or vast depositories of wisdom,& knowledge.Humility Versus Confidence.Know the fucking difference!
“Ill-nurtur’d, crooked, churlish, harsh in voice, O’erworn, despised, rheumatic, and cold, Thick-sighted, barren, lean, and lacking juice”
What shall I do sans juice?!?As of mockeries written in the 1600s,They remain stagnant at best.Dead bard -Devoid of modern educations, wisdoms, & knowledge.Yet we revere him as some sort,Of literary saint!Callous whinging sycophant.You half cocked imbecile!Not fit to lick mud from...
Verbal Pronunciations.
Never make fun of mispronunciations.Guilty for decades,As I've been myself.Fools see stupidity.I see people who learned words,By reading.Someone who has done their best -To learn & grow.They read words in books;Lacking proper verbal pronunciations,But empowering themselves regardless!♡
Useful Idiot:
Useful Idiot:Google It On Wikipedia.We've no excuses for ignorance anymore.Willful participants,In horrific acts or beliefs.Too moronic,Stupid,To comprehend -The terror of such beliefs.Complicit puppets,For evil leaders,Wanting to control,Harm innocents.Minorities.Banal Evil At Finest.
Anger,Remains A Tool.Such emotions as Fury,Rage,Coming from perceived betrayals of trust,Most often.Convert hot rage,To cold fury.Zen stoicisms.Alchemy of self,& emotions.Utilize such betrayals as sources of power.Find conviction.Gather wits, rationality, logic:You will become unstoppable.
So Aware Of Presence, Size, & Space, It Starts To Hurt.
Love?Demeaned by women in dreams,For offering hugs!Subconscious telling me:"Men can't give women hugs, it's weird."Really,Subconscious?Snide;"Well good thing I'm Non Binary!"Nodding at black painted nails in the dream.But don't we all crave comfort?Physical touch,From safe, kind people?
Solar Destinies.
Solar Destinies.Fragmented HistoryUs Ragged, Retched Punks,Still fighting for freedom,Half-century on.True name?Not foolish enough to have one.The risks from other practitioners,Fae, Fiend, Or Otherwise.Legal First Name?Just a descriptor.Hiding my existence,Within Silly Clan Tartans.
“Pray you no more of this, ’tis like the howling of Irish wolves against the moon.”
More.Ever More.Endless Stimulation,Tickling My Deformed Brain -Such Strange Chemistries!Awareness far beyond Elizabeth's England.Looking to stars,Until we went mad in trying.Solar Fusion,Finite Matter & Energy -Of Our Universe.Trillions Upon Trillions Of Years From Now.Finally Beat You.
Goodnight; Void #15
Hungry Heart.Goodnight;Void.Two Clauses,One Question.Can I stabilize?Stop Falling:Greater speeds,Sleeps,Than Gravity.Can't fix ugly.But can find my strength again.Hone my discipline,Until I'm toned once more.Ready for war,If need be.Metaphor or otherwise.I'll always defend the weak.
Your Job Is To Flourish, No Matter The Cost.
Break upon my shores,One spirit at a time.Stitching together,Fragments of your heart.Drinking draughts of your soul,In deep sips.I'll fix you up,Heal you the best I can.Teach you the ways of the world.Your job is to flourish,No matter the cost.In spite of everything.
Mob Boss Seances. \\ Necromancy.
Can you see me In Entirety?My Enveloping Annihilation Aura Or,These spirits of my dozens of haunting dead?My invisible flocks in halo constellations behind & above me,Hidden to all but Truesight,Or Necromancy.Do you know my secret?Do you see what I’ve accomplished?It’s An Open Secret,After...
Between Lines. // Buddha Belly Bloated.
Buddha Belly Bloated,Words & Soliloquy.Both pouring from every orifice,That ancient tar,Glistening black oil,So akin to the Black Ichor Venom,Of World Serpents.×Ego Death.Check.Humility.Check.Dissociation.Check.Begin countdown.Start clock._-----_Stop clock.Fragments lost - ~Between lines.
Eve’s Serpent, Jormundgandr’s Echo.
Live,Where undeath dwells.Proxy:Existence,Amongst paradox,Of nonexistence,& eternal existence.Shed withered,Desiccated skin,To play pretend:Cryptid Guises.Rather large "Metaphorical Snake."Eve's Serpent,Jormundgandr's Echo.Metal Hopes;Immortality By Any Means.Just fanciful dead...
Laughter Echoing Across The Cascades.
Lead me?I've heard that one before.Wildling roots,So I sat atop my mountaintops -Laughter echoing across The Cascades.Free Folk,Cannot be led.My myriad skills,Talents,& knowledge.Knee-high,Infinite salty seas,Stretching in all directions,Beneath my clockwork engine.I've led better than you.
None Of You Have Any Fucking Idea Who We Were, Or Who We Have Now Become.
Live Strong?As If We Could Live Weak!Plucking rocks from our skin.Parrying Boulders With Steel Grapples Or Thumbs,Buckets Or Tines.But there's a weakness -In becoming normalized to pain,Or existing in such constant “divine” suffering.Stony Stoic Exteriors,That belie invisible tears in our...
Suddenly Growing Limbs In The Thousands.
"Futile!"They'll Say.A Cryptid Human Being,Hybrid,Neurodivergence aflame as my beacon.Legless Serpent;Suddenly Growing Limbs In The Thousands.Fighting against Entropy,Wit’ errythin’ I got.Started lower than low,On societal totem poles.Dumb Disabled Logging Family Kid,Now Second Most Prolific Poet...
Hunting Immortality.
Ionized Caskets,Reversed Polarity Magnetisms.Irradiating ourselves,So that we never rot after death.Only slough away into ribbons of flesh.Cryogenic screensavers -Pity the hosts in storage,Are all dead.Freezer-burned to jerky.Why fear Entropy?Death is but a guarantee.Our only,Guarantee.
The Sound Of Electricity In The Walls.
Hollow Ringing Noise.High Pitched Whinings,Of Electricity.Darkness,Suddenly scoured in Light.Selves we lost.Selves we found.Wide varieties,Of things skittering in the black.Pressure.Depth.How fragile these forms,Of flesh & bone.Haunted,Hollow,Still,Rotting.We remain:Fertilizer.
“I know them to be as true-bred cowards as ever turn’d back”
Faceless.Nameless.Wearing other people's skin,& words.That form of cowardice,Is alive & well.Witnessed myself;How awful people are to you,When you use your real name as an artist.Detest cowardice,More than most things.Spineless haters,Plagues upon society:Tearing others down.COWARDS!