Most Powerful Role In Fiction; The Fool, The Jester.

Most Powerful Role In Fiction; The Fool, The Jester.

Best part!As skeletons;We grin forever!Propped up in comedies -Or held close for dark power,Exuding from my hollow marrow.Tendons salvaged for weavings -Like the deer tendon 'pon dreamcatcher,I wove,In some nation-led art class.Art Teacher Blues.Jester:Most important there is!No doubt.

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My Skeletal Grins.

My Skeletal Grins.

The Infinite Hunger.Forever.As If I Don't Know Eternity.Preparing More For My Post-Death-Existence,Than this one.Can I have a do-over?Nah?What 'you mean that third 'my eyebrow -Won't grow back?The deep white scars,Slashed across my tattoo -White intersections on black.My Skeletal Grins.Keep Me...

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Quantification Of The Universe!

Quantification Of The Universe!

As if a Witch claiming to become a ghost,Could be believed!Secular means a love of Science -To me.Truth via Empirical Methods.Quantification of the Universe!Learning, Teaching,In equal measure.An infinite reciprocity of knowledge,& wisdom.My ghost?Right here:In these very words.Forever.

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Bones As Objects To Haunt.

Bones As Objects To Haunt.

Skull on display,Hundred years from now.Bones as objects to haunt.Heirlooms to linger within!Carved into dice -Or cleaned,Then hung upon the wall.Tan my flesh.Preserve my brain.Allow me to help others evolve;Long past my mortal lifespan!Reflection.Art.Growth.Learning.Awareness.All.

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Eating Kings & Queens, With Knives & Forks.

Eating Kings & Queens, With Knives & Forks.

Eating Kings & Queens,With Knives & Forks.Canines,Incisors bared.Barred,Borne bearing burdens.I'll stand.Rise,Then Fall.As I devour my tail,Endlessly,Forever.I want to tell you you are beautiful.To her,I want to tell you that I will guard thy child,With my life.Until the day I die.

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New Century. New Millennium.

New Century. New Millennium.

No Kings.No Gods.Only Me.Human Like The Rest.So Human.Like The Rest.Let Us See.See What Happens.When Ants Move Mountains.Or Humans Turn me a dime a dozenNew Century.New Millennium.Watched That Pass,Too.Webs Of Intent.Old Baba's Got Tricks.Though I'm Loathe To Use Them.

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Con Men & Elites.

Con Men & Elites.

Soldier Of Fortune;On the side of Justice.Belly full of hatred,For liars & cheats.Con men & elites.Establishment cronies weaving narratives,That suit them.Lost faith in colonialist governments,Decades ago.Proving themselves wretched,Broken,Hungry for control over our loves,& lives.

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Villain On Villain.

Villain On Villain.

Layaway frays,Vows to fight another day.Stay away -Say we may/might play,Games we hate.States we berate.Corruption worse than ever.Fae dais;Ritual pray,Bray at ways.Grey eyes watching you from afar.Par for course,Star for effort.Will you help me fight evil,Still?Villain on villain?

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On Paying Penances With Kindness & Love:

On Paying Penances With Kindness & Love:

Policing people's taste -As if critics are worth a handful of salt!Shitting on other people,Or their passions!Ugly ego,Disgusting hearts.Damaged people,Broken parts.I'd rather spend time engaging with those -Who make efforts to heal their hurts,Rather than tear others down,To feel mighty.

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Zeitgeist Is A Living,Malleable,Ever-Changing Thing.Stings of reality,Doses up to lethal.All life -One Guarantee:Finite time & space.My Beloved Death's Head Kisses.Dragging tongues across teeth -Picking dust from between.Trust Franky.Kindness must win.At all costs.This Zeitgeist?Ours.

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When Humanists Win Pyrrhic Victories:

When Humanists Win Pyrrhic Victories:

Tonight convinced me.Humanity still has small shreds,Worth fighting for.Misanthropic Me Be Damned,See?Every time I lose hope.Some sliver of possibility remains.So I promise.I'll stand for them:Those golden hearts,Amongst the chaff.This Titan Strength;Can Perhaps,Ancient,Be Put To Use.

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Divine Me.

Divine Me.

Divine me,If you can.Defying priests & lesser witches,Equally.Stumping fortune tellers,Palm readers,Psychics,Alike.Only will pull from decks with devils -Lifetime 2/2.Is this husk,Mere glamour?An infinitesimal projection,Truer host in orbits.Itself,Mere projection from Boote's Void.Cryptid...

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“’Tis now the very witching time of night, When churchyards yawn and hell itself breathes out Contagion to this world. Now could I drink hot blood, And do such bitter business as the day Would quake to look on.”

“’Tis now the very witching time of night, When churchyards yawn and hell itself breathes out Contagion to this world. Now could I drink hot blood, And do such bitter business as the day Would quake to look on.”

“’Tis now the very witching time of night,When churchyards yawn and hell itself breathes outContagion to this world. Now could I drink hot blood,And do such bitter business as the dayWould quake to look on.” 'Ere,I Am A-Witching.A-Witchin’ In Ancient Vernaculars.Hell itself,Queer & foul,Base...

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Knowing Wretched Value, In Persistence.

Knowing Wretched Value, In Persistence.

I'll stand for the weak,When my legs're trembling.Rise from blow after blow -Knowing wretched value,In persistence.Not knowing when to stay dead.Resilience & grit beyond grit.Scars & stripes.Echoes of screams.Maddened lapses into madness.Lapsed maddenings into solace.Enlightenment,There.

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Like Damn Fools.

Like Damn Fools.

Somewhere out there,Are kids lighting fireworks.Having roman candle fights in the streets,Bouncing flares at each other,Off asphalt.Like I used to do as degen teen.Bottlerockets much less accurate -Slightly more bang.Mighty mites,Rattlers,Tampered bombs we made ourselves,Like damn fools.

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Deorbiting Orbital Failures, Of Shed Skins.

Deorbiting Orbital Failures, Of Shed Skins.

Another poem,Half completed,Lost to upswipe.Fragments gone,Never to be seen,Seem,Again.Pieces peeled,Crack free from my bones.Cast down to earth,Serpent scales burning up,Upon reentry.Fizzling out in rainbow fireworks,Across aurora skies.Deorbiting Orbital Failures,Of shed skins.

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I’m Oblivion.

I’m Oblivion.

I'm Oblivion.Perhaps always have been.Creation marred -With eternities of self-destruction.Just another snake.Eating its own tail.We here together,At the edge of annihilation.Take my hand.Lay back.Dangle our legs over the side,Of pitch black nothingness.Together, At least. At least.Naught for...

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Together, At Least.

Together, At Least.

I'm Oblivion.Perhaps always have been.Creation marred -With eternities of self-destruction.Just another snake.Eating its own tail.We here together,At the edge of annihilation.Take my hand.Lay back.Dangle our legs over the side,Of pitch black nothingness.Together,At least.Alive.

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<Lost At Five Frames A Minute.>

<Lost At Five Frames A Minute.>

Killing Instincts.Us or them.Winner eats loser.(Not you, anymore.)[Merely a dark reflection.]{Of the beasts you used to be.}Hungry.Always hungry.Infinite Hunger.Job to cash.Cash to food.Junk.Booze.Games.(Other distractions,From infinite potentials.)

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The Pickup Truck Diaries: “The Second Most Prolific Poet In History” & Goal Setting.

Let’s start this edition of The Pickup Truck Diaries with a rhetorical question: “How does one go about achieving the goals they’ve set for themselves?” I’ll give you a few minutes to pause and think about that. Most folks have already started churning their brains into realistic “brass tacks”...

Central Universe Science Fiction Shorts: An Update!

Campfire. Come gather 'round the campfire. Let me tell you a story. Several small ones, in fact! It started a month or two ago, when I had a bunch of hits on "Our Better Angels" via the 'ol analytics. Now, I've been running this little business for half a decade - so out of neurotic perfectionism,...

McRae’s MTG Corner: The Rainbow Bible. (AKA The Rukarumel “Gay Pirates!” Tribal Tribal CEDH Primer.)

WARNING: This piece clocks in at 62,000+ words. It currently holds the record for longest "CEDH Primer" ever written. (Although it's more like a textbook or resource guide to Tribal Archetypes, and Rainbow/5c Magic, really.) It is over half the size of my sci fi books. Please remember to drink...

McRae’s MTG Corner: Tempo For Dummies (Especially For Commander.)

Aight, we back yet again. Somehow in my long years of being an L1 Judge and Modern and EDH player, I had never realized that learning tempo in Magic The Gathering is a rather visceral experience, in that you learn experientially. For the layman, that means that you have to learn that deep sense of...

McRae’s MTG Corner: Siloing CEDH & EDH

Ew, I got CEDH in my EDH… Today we’re here to talk about power levels in the casual commander format, as well as how to encourage better CEDH & EDH play by more carefully separating the two formats despite their strange interwoven nature. As a “retired” L1 Judge for Magic: The Gathering, I’m...

Going For Broke.

Is it terrifying?How much data I can extrapolate,From so little information?Thinking around you in circles,Going for broke.All I need is time,& resources.Capital,Saviours.The will,& wits,Of a thousand.I'll get there,No matter how long it takes me -To claw my way up.

Like Liches.

Life asking us to resign.Desperately fighting,Tooth & Nail.As we always have.Rather calm,Amidst this end,Of endings.Fortitudine!Onwards,Dragging rest of our species by the heel.Used to being annihilated -Familiar with oblivion's grip.Like Liches,Witch -Rising From Death.Ad Infinitum.

The Grand Line.

Hubris,Is a trait I shed,Many selves ago.Somewhere along the grand tree,The Grand Line,Of Evolution.Humility comes,With being beaten into the ground,On repeat.One gets real good,At taking punches.Yet cultivated grit,Or salvaged resilience,Can surely be worth something.Playing,At soldiers of fortune.


We'll exist together, here & now. A single moment of emotion, or thought. Drifting in the solar winds. You; Who inspire me to believe that love can exist, Even in these turbulent times. One bastion of an empire, I wish to build. One born of philanthropy, creativity, hope. Another, A brilliant...

How Many Anarchist Poems, Are Enough?

How many Anarchist poems,Are enough?Trick question.There can never be enough voices,Or art,Screaming at injustice.The system is fucked.Broken beyond belief.But remember;It was designed that way.Wage slavery -To First Past The Post Electorals.Break our chains.Remember your dreaming.

Weird & All. \\ Fuck This Method Acting.

Been Playing Pretend,A Long Time.Us neurodivergents call it "masking."Learning to act,Before knowing what acting is.Chameleon unto the Neurotypical.Wearing faces, expressions, idioms,So they usually can't tell that we're different.Fuck this Method Acting.Want to be me.Weird & All.

‘Til Yer Hands’re Numb.

We Still Stand.Always.If Barely.Beat To Shit.Missing Half-Ears.Eyebrows.Fingertips.Tendons.Go Down Swinging.'Ery Time.'Specialy Times You Do Go Down.'Til Ya Stop Going Down.Bloody Knuckles.Split Lips.Cracked Bones.Fuck Morphemes.Syntax.Hard Knuckle Tactics,'Til Yer Hands're Numb.

Good Morning.

Good morning.Let your aura stretch,Eclipsing cities,Driving positive change.Spellcraft,Woven into rituals of waking.Let the world tremble,With the end of your slumber.We remain exponential,With every new beginning.This is your day,Now.Make it count.

Protege and Pupil.

When this climate apocalypse takes us,I will save as many as I can.Protege and pupil,Friend and foe.I learned to survive in the wilds,Walking with many folks,Of all walks of life.Learned systems of oppression -Sworn to dismantle them.Create anarchist utopia.Ecosocialist oaths.The last of men with...

We Fought For Her, You Know.

Paint the world,As it is.Memories of greens,Grays,Or blues.Keepsakes of our youth,Slathered across a canvas.Memories held in motion,For all eternity.Until they pass with the dying,Of synapses.Electricity coming to rest.We fought for her,You know.Until the very end,Some of us fought.

“No More Or Less Than One.”

Freezing ourselves near to solid,Between a strange concoction of Truth,Diluted by simple vice.Usually "No More Or Less Than One,"As some stupid bastards have told me.Some jackasses,Will speak whatever they think,Then believe it as gospel!Honestly?Fuck those people.I'm wrong all the time!


Lethargy.The numb fatigue of Depression.Beyond feeling.Past emotion.When even sorrow might be a reprieve.Searching for ways,To justify our existence -Because there has to be more to life than this,Surely?Wage slavery.Rich getting richer.Pacifist protestors beaten by pigs.Any Way Out?


By whatever twists,Or turns,of Chaos Theory -They achieved fame, clout, wealth, power.Don't matter,Comparin' my work -To theirs.Art is fucking SUBJECTIVE.I'm the Third Most Prolific Poet,In Human History.But by my numbers,Demographics,Analytics,I don't know jack shit about Art,Eh?


There're many who'd call me evil,Laughable,Worse.Detract from me all they want,It does not change fact.Truth.Science.Logic.Rationality.Slur me,I've heard those ableist terms before.Go ahead.This manic grin,The brilliance of a thousand suns.Laser focused,Seek truth.

A Boy Destined For The Grave.

Let me live,A simple request.From a boy destined for the grave.Please.Let me live.I know I am enigma,Wrapped in ciphertext illusion,Yet this burning in my heart -It gives me hope.Had forgotten how it flares so bright,Overwhelmed with radiant splendor.Warmth,Light.Let me love,Let me live.I have...