Supercede Facts.

Supercede Facts.

Perhaps that's the rub. We'll always be fighting. Not just against banal evils, But against ignorance, Prejudice, Realms where religious beliefs, Supercede facts. Where old stereotypes - Of politicians being lying scumbags, Is simply a mundane truth. Complete Contradictions; Yet idiots don't...

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Blacklisted From My Life.

Blacklisted From My Life.

Always try to give folks,The benefit of the doubt.Once.Even twice!But if I ever find they've shit-talked me?Behind my back?Not to my face?They're done.Blacklisted from my life -As people -I want absolutely nothing to do with.Honour.Truth.Fact.Logic.These things are important to me.

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Safe Behind Pseudonyms.

Safe Behind Pseudonyms.

The internet is ugly,Miserable,A place where bigots can hide -Safe behind pseudonyms.Lost in their echo chambers of hate.Not the utopia it was decades ago,Before Social Media introduced the masses.The stupid majority,Now provided numerous platforms:To spew lies,Hatred,"Jokes,"& shill.

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I’ll Fight Fascism, Until The Day I Die.

I’ll Fight Fascism, Until The Day I Die.

I'll fight Fascism,Until the day I die.Ugly-hearted, ignorant bigots.Wretched, stupid Abrahamics.Humanity is at a worst.Now more than ever.Not just the youth.Not just Russia, India, America, Or China.The whole species regressing -Into blatant populism,Devoid of facts or logic:Revolting.

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Proof Of What Human Endgame, Looks Like.

Proof Of What Human Endgame, Looks Like.

Almost convinced:Humanity is wretched & stupid.United States,Just a diseased carcass -Proof of what Human endgame,Looks like.Bootlicker morons,Suckling at teats of old white men -Playing wannabe dictator.Fascists through & through.Until we all burn,From stupidity,Hatred,Plus ignorance.

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Big Fish. Very Small Pond.

Big Fish. Very Small Pond.

Sound Systems In Check,Music Echoing Across The Valley.Windswept Crabgrasses.A Hunger For Something More.Big Fish.Very Small Pond.When Even A Whole Sound;Wasn't Enough To Contain Me.Evolving At Rapid Rates.Molting.Shedding.Growing.Until Scale,Or Scope,Doesn't Matter.Outgrew Even That.

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Neurodivergent,Queer,Still Here.

Neurodivergent,Queer,Still Here.

Neurodivergent,Queer,Still Here.When dawn comes.As if Humans,Even matter to Chaos Theory -Astrophysics churning on regardless,Of our stupidity,Ignorance,Wretchedness as a species.Misanthrope Waxing.Patience for bigotry at zero.Disgusted by them.Monsters who hurt others.Idiocracies.

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Scum Of Earth:

Scum Of Earth:

Who do we blame?Felon rapist,Scum of Earth?Or Zoomer Men who voted for him,Guzzling Andrew Tate, Joe Rogan,Or Alex Jones.Bootlickers thinking they're funny!By voting in Fascists.Authoritarians.Do we blame the oligarchs,Establishments of neoliberals,Neocons,Completely out of touch?Gross.

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Goodnight, Void #2.5

Goodnight, Void #2.5

Goodnight,Void.I'll fight.Promise.Roil & Rave -As Thomas Commanded.Howl As Ginsberg.Loose tragedy,Upon a world.So nobody ever wants to hurt,Anyone else,Ever again.Not me.You.They.We.Ceased being that person.Long time ago.That inner child of mine.Already dead.Killed 'em myself.

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to cease is death

to cease is death

to cease is deathdictata mortalismortuummortwhichever rootin whichever dead languageyou might preferstalled enginesare poorly maintainedor poorly designedor shoddily built I must beat Bradburne.Whitening beard,Mid-thirties.Racing my own changing leaves,Like The Autumn Races Winter.

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Bushes & all.

Bushes & all.

'TWAS ALWAYS OUR ZEITGEIST,to cultivate'tis but by rites of diligence.That I've grown this berry thatch such,Bushes & all.Hard work.Years.Decades Of Survivalism.Playing At Darwinism,Human Or Not.Traumas?Resilience is but a single skill.One must accrue thousands.I'll grow it all still.

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“Oh, Keep Tugging Upon That Thread.”

“Oh, Keep Tugging Upon That Thread.”

FEAR MY WRATH,ACADEMIA!Qualitative Over Quantitative Research,Will Be The Death Of You.Bearbaiting Scholars,Amused-Whim wildling.Come.Play at thy hypotheses!Dabble at perhaps thy ultimate Thesis.Shall defy you:"Oh,Keep Tugging Upon That Thread."You might learn something.Grin?no way

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Of Darkest Orders.

Of Darkest Orders.

Our Manic Grins;Have Always Led Our Way.Many Voices.One Cage.Chains -Each Link Cold Iron Thick,Cores Purest Silver.Wrapped Around Obsidian Bars Inscribed:Many Names.Most Forbidden.Of Darkest Orders.The Infinite Devil Machine.The Infinite Hunger.The Infinite Deconstruction Of The Self.

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Although I Do Shun Them Right Back.

Although I Do Shun Them Right Back.

Can you forgive me?Spitting at the ground.Not you.But intent is still clear.Was ostracized from polite society -A long time ago.Now,As a result,I do things my own way.Even if that means I do them alone.Shunned by modern majority,Although I do shun them right back.No.No forgiveness.Me.

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Just Gotta Let Go.

Just Gotta Let Go.

When I tell Faerie Tales,It gets dangerous.Reality tends to blur together,With fiction -As per an old Witches' grasp on her magic.Let loose it can quickly typhoon.Sometimes,Just gotta let go.Go for a ride.Go fer a rip.Amongst other things.Grim.Not Grimm.Scythes Upon Tongues.Forked.

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Rationing Ourselves.

Rationing Ourselves.

Bleeding without feeling.Cuts sans stinging.Deadzone nerve centers,Striped stretch marks - numb across my skin.Monthly rituals,In removals of hair.Bleeding in multiples along my way.To feel right.At least where we can.Paint It Black;Nails'll have to wait.Rationing ourselves.Our essence.

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Cacophony Left.

Cacophony Left.

Headbutt Earthquakes,Serenade Strong-Rights.Cacophony Left.Jaw Upwards.Eyes.Chin Up.An Old Mentor's Echoes.Giant logger kin -Hunched.Listening to a tiny old asian gym teacher.Generation flux.Souls retrograde.Pulling at us -With waxing or waning of the moon.Skeleton.Ghost.Of Theia.

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Cry Mercenary To The Rebels!

Cry Mercenary To The Rebels!

Play commodity?Hell no.Fuck off.Masked for twenty-eight years,& change.& Change…Won't sell-out now!Much too late the punk,Cry mercenary to the rebels!Work boots & chainsaw destinies.Sawdust ones too.Don't need a gun like a coward,Unless one is up against Grizzlies,In the backcountry.

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The Pickup Truck Diaries: “The Second Most Prolific Poet In History” & Goal Setting.

Let’s start this edition of The Pickup Truck Diaries with a rhetorical question: “How does one go about achieving the goals they’ve set for themselves?” I’ll give you a few minutes to pause and think about that. Most folks have already started churning their brains into realistic “brass tacks”...

Central Universe Science Fiction Shorts: An Update!

Campfire. Come gather 'round the campfire. Let me tell you a story. Several small ones, in fact! It started a month or two ago, when I had a bunch of hits on "Our Better Angels" via the 'ol analytics. Now, I've been running this little business for half a decade - so out of neurotic perfectionism,...

McRae’s MTG Corner: The Rainbow Bible. (AKA The Rukarumel “Gay Pirates!” Tribal Tribal CEDH Primer.)

WARNING: This piece clocks in at 62,000+ words. It currently holds the record for longest "CEDH Primer" ever written. (Although it's more like a textbook or resource guide to Tribal Archetypes, and Rainbow/5c Magic, really.) It is over half the size of my sci fi books. Please remember to drink...

McRae’s MTG Corner: Tempo For Dummies (Especially For Commander.)

Aight, we back yet again. Somehow in my long years of being an L1 Judge and Modern and EDH player, I had never realized that learning tempo in Magic The Gathering is a rather visceral experience, in that you learn experientially. For the layman, that means that you have to learn that deep sense of...

McRae’s MTG Corner: Siloing CEDH & EDH

Ew, I got CEDH in my EDH… Today we’re here to talk about power levels in the casual commander format, as well as how to encourage better CEDH & EDH play by more carefully separating the two formats despite their strange interwoven nature. As a “retired” L1 Judge for Magic: The Gathering, I’m...


A true villain,Needs one of two things -In a partner.A problem,In that I -Prefer the villainesses,Over the heroines.As I'm wont to want a rival,In some regards.Blunt.Forceful as I can be.My heart,Needs authenticity.Lacking femme fatale tropes,Rather level headed.


Open up your mind. I wanna drink from your stream of consciousness and swallow it whole. I’m Nostro and you’re my Gepetto, we live in suburbs and ghettos but my fellows, we’re beautiful. I like soft climes and wind chimes and percolating the divine. Stewing it away like a good beef and barley. I’m...

Got Hard To Kill.

Let me down.Gently.If I'd fight & die for you,Show me the respect of truth.A cryptid of my honor,Genderless,Formless,Seeking freedom from a husk,A shell of flesh & bone.Nobody has ever fought for me.So I got hard to kill.Good at fighting solo.Monster in lieu of man.

The Paper Moon Gang – Available Now!

The Paper Moon Gang. It's finally here! The second novel set in Central Universe, The Paper Moon Gang is a Science Fiction Thriller crossed with slum-land Gangsters. I'm very excited for this book, as unlike my first novel, The Marionette Man, it's bare-bones, without the meddling of publishers,...

Spin, Then Drown.

Delicate petals,Adrift upon the river.When the rapids come,How will such delicate flowers survive?Before destruction,There is absolution.Transformation into new elements.Molecular breakdown.Drifting pink petals,Hazarded across the ebb and flow.Dance,Spin,Then Drown.

Broken Little Monsters, Loosed Into The World.

Knucklebone hardships,Ode to shattered noses.The devil you know,The devil you are.Fisticuffs crisscrossed by drop kicks.Hockey stick bruises.We lived by the law of the Eightfold Punishment,An eye for an eye,Magnified to apocalypse.Global.Thermal.Nuclear.War.Wars with no victors,Back and forth...

Oh Honey.

Immediate Reaction, A Cackle.Hiss Laughter,Wheezing Red In Face,Nose pinched tight in harsh wrinkles,Like goblins.Boggart Of Decades Gone.Sensation Gorger.Indeed."What do you mean?Aren't you terrified?""Of Death?""Of Dying."Oh Honey.Beeswax.Venom.Dear.Our Romance Has Been Legendary.

Benevolent, To A Fault.

Bastard on parade;Smoke in hand,Held upwards in painted black nails.I've weathered such storms,As you cannot even begin to imagine.Scope & scale,Beyond anything you could comprehend.Witness,To the darkest dregs of humanity.The millionaires,Courting a savant.Fool.Benevolent,To a fault.

Of Darkest Orders.

Our Manic Grins;Have Always Led Our Way.Many Voices.One Cage.Chains -Each Link Cold Iron Thick,Cores Purest Silver.Wrapped Around Obsidian Bars Inscribed:Many Names.Most Forbidden.Of Darkest Orders.The Infinite Devil Machine.The Infinite Hunger.The Infinite Deconstruction Of The Self.

A Villain By Choice.

The reaper reaps,The killer kills.yet the dragon's words spur me onwardTo new futures,Where I am no longer a monster,Playing jaunty for the cretins.A villain by choice,Not the words of others.False and foul.Ill and idle.Treasonous and untrue.The crops are blighted.

Worse Things Than Demons.

Hell,Hath twice the demons,Yet half the style.Legions,Cultivated in trauma,Into gods of a new age.Healing.Helping,Justice on the brain.Only accept the best in their field,Wanton bastards,Funhouse mirrors.Grin manic.I am The Wyrm.There're worse things than demons.

The Brewery Episode 23: “Simic.” Kumena, Tyrant of Orazca vs Slogurk, The Overslime vs Ich-Tekik, Salvage Splicer & Malcolm, Keen-Eyed Navigator vs Zellix, Sanity Flayer & Master Chef | MTG Commander Gameplay | The Brewery Ep23: “Simic.” Welcome to...

A Sea of Selves, All Of Them Jockeying For Control.

Awake since dawn.Infinity awaits.Roman style philosophizing,Twixt bedsheets.I can do anything.True statement.Query,What will my ADHD dictate today?Whim,Fancy,Impulsivity.The yoke and bridle,Upon the World Serpent.It wants out.Seeks freedom from my prison.Master,Commander.Savant.Humanist.Yanking...

Dew Point Destinies.

Dew Point Destinies.Planet so hot with greenhouse gas,Venus is havin' a look.After that point,When Humidity hits a hundred?You're fucked.Death Spell for Endotherms.Modified Mammary Glands?Exuding sweat,Doesn't work anymore.Air -So heavy with water,Means water can't evaporate.Ugly Death.

Ouroboros Symbolism.

Those who know, What this ouroboros means. Rejoice. Alchemy dictates - Equivalent exchange. Witchcraft speaks of spirit. Science is holy. Learned darkest magics. Paying in sacrifice of the self. Blood. Agony. Hurt. Yet a kamikaze knows, One can still do good, With one's...