Teeth stretched,Maddened grin.Thrill -Like water,In a desert.Drinking dopamine,Fuel for greater heights.What terrible things,Do we wreak?Reeking of want.Fonts of guilt.There is no rest -For us wicked.Only the sureness of death.We must accomplish much,With little.
My Work
Beast With Naught A Beauty, Monster Without Her Woods. I Remain.
Jormundgandr.Pygmalion Complexes Ablaze With Black Flame.Thy Fair Lady On Fire.God-Killing On Tap.But Only If I Can Eat 'Em.Baba,Wafting faintest whiffs of Witchcraft.Metaphors Playing Actor,Method Acting At Poetries.Ugly.Beast With Naught A Beauty,Monster Without Her Woods.I Remain.
i give it away for free
Kindness Is Rare Enough;Sold As Commodity.Fool I Remain -i give it away for freeOld slang,Rises from my rotten histories.Full of broken fucking people.Present company included.Wielding Kindness;Fists Full Of Jagged Philosophy.Culling Rituals,I refuse to slot in.Hermit Guru,After All.
Goodnight – Void #97
Goodnight - Void.Caress me with oblivion,But for briefest respite.For dreams are no respite.Not mine.Not once.Blood Of The Covenant?Water Of Kin.I spit at kin.High & Low.Mighty & Feeble.As They Have Spat At My Feet -In Turn.Underground.Beneath thy notice.Void?(Goodnight?)Goodnight.
Only Kubrick Stares.
Stroke Of Midnight.As words written.No witty rhyme.Only Kubrick Stares.Languishing Looks.Riveting Armour.Amour.Amore.Whatever.Just an empty sucking at the soul,Wherein thy spirit in close proximity -My aura enveloping half the system,Recoils at Entropic Fuel.Inversions.Gravity.Void.
Love?Known it here & there.Handfuls.Hard to love a wild animal,Wherein it wants to range.Wander game trails;Carve ourselves.Dead Dogs.At side up mountains.Dead children;Who wrack me with infrequent,Yet sudden bouts of grief,Mourning for entire lifetimes sondered -In the blink of an eye.
WHO MOURNS FOR ENTROPY?eater of worldsRavager Via Time.Should we feel sorry for truth?The finite nature of this universe:Long after the last black hole -Withers away to nonexistence.Void?Goodnight.Want to wake up tomorrow.Free from my dreams.Wish you goodnight,Again.& again.Forever.
Rippling Across My Pattern Recognition.
No Shilling.Just Proof I'm Real.Watching Capital -Rippling Across My Pattern Recognition.Their Metaphors,Mighty Yet Fragile.Offering A Glimpse Of Power,Through Metaphysical Means.Leaders?Followers?Neither.Cabals Of Equals.As surely as I shave my head.Closed-eye showers:Touch Alone.
My Blood Is Poison.
I'll fail,Until I die."Faceplant Forwards."Always.Could write ten thousand poems,Thousand of my portfolios,All to her.Lady Luck.Grim Reaper.Two Sides Of A Coin -I'll Never Hold.Blood Cursed As I Am;My Blood Is Poison.Poems: To Death."Until I Die."Somebody else can pick the best ones.
Beelzebub Stratagems.
Wellspring of power,Stored in pure biomass.Beelzebub Stratagems.Oh Reaper,I loved you so.Or Is It Just Aubrey Fucking Plaza Now?Failing.Succeeding.All relative,Really.My dark romance with death,Is two freight trains,Passing full speed at midnight,Horns echoing up my moonlit valley.
Makin’ Blueberry Coconut Lemon Waffles,
Makin' Blueberry Coconut Lemon Waffles,Disappointed dried lemon zest -Fails to capture any tang of real juice.Multitasking 5 things sans timers,Stocking freezer;To have breakfasts to eat!Were we all granted such grace,As cheap ghetto lifehacks,Waiting for life to really begin.
So tired of rehashed discomforts,Brain!Fuck you,Subconscious!Dreams suck.Always moving.Boonies.No home.Always robbed,Or having stuff taken,Scattered,Given away,As parents used to do to me often.Nowhere safe,To ever hang my hat,Or fully exercise just being me -Without restraint!
Petty Bourgeoisie.
Labour isn't free.Capitalists keep pushing:Wages lower,Benefits removed,Fear Tactics in spades.Timed washroom breaks,Short notice ultimatums,Worse.Oppression as a statistic!Used by oligarchies,Elites,Petty Bourgeoisie:How much can we oppress them?Until they revolt?What'll they take?
Harvested Solo.
Don't like it?You can leave.There's no electric buzzer,Upon the doorhandle,Not that this Metaphor could cause harm. My work is for me.Emotional expressions,To feast on my own dopamine.Harvested Solo. Nah,You can leave.You're not forced to read my work.Never were to begin with,Eh?
Carcinization, Eh?
Carcinization,Eh?Star sign?As if I wasn't born Cancer -Then dictated to as if my soul,Mind, ethos, or existence were…Prescribed - Predestined - Predetermined -By stars.Balls of Nuclear Fusion,Ignorant of miniscule mortality.Yet:My armour is thick.My claws are strong.My hunger endless.
Cackling In Onomatopoeia.
Old Anarchist,Like Me,Exists As Oxymoron,Cackling In Onomatopoeia.Metaphor;Human Form,Wanting To Slough Off My Skin,For Astral Existences.A Life Aquatic,In Spiritual Sense.Would rather be ghost,Haunting homeworld, & species,To have more reach in my guidance,Towards Humanist Utopias.
A Moment Of Quiet Poetic Reflection:
A Moment Of Quiet Poetic Reflection:What else have I to do,But write?Queer Neurodivergent;Words like vomit,Ejectile Projectiles in variations,Poignant in fewer.Must speak truth to power, at least.For when they round me up into camps,I'll go down swinging,Bullets between my eyes,Or ribs.
Noble Jesters:
Clowns.Fools.But not proper ones.Instead of Noble Jesters:"Speaking Truth To Power!"We find ourselves wrought with fools,Of more mundane banal evil varieties:Liars.Cheats.Rapists.Sexists.Racists.Criminals.Worse.Some clowns,Give power to other clowns,Thinking strangely.The Fools.
Or died in vain.
This era is tumultuous,Despite requests from elders,To make things better for our children.We promised to fight fascism,To make sure grandparents never fought,Or died in vain.Yet those same generations,Of parents,Support modern-age fascism!?Such cognitive dissonance,Between Hitler & Trump!
“there was the rankest compound of villainous smell that ever offended nostril.”
Yep.We stank!No showers for 4am wakeups.Out door at 4:20am,On mountain -Hours travel,To load first truck out at six.Owls swooping overhead,In early pre-dawn hours.Crammed in our heavy equipment.Machines as caskets.Some permanently,Like my poor old football coach.7 Days.12-14 Hours.